Glock 36 help


New member
I currently own a ruger lcp, thinking of trading it in for a glock 36.would like to hear the opinions of peeps who own it.i even though we cant carry in illinos yet, taking the utah/florida permit class this saturday.
the glock is a bit bigger as far as size & round's go.
with all due respect , please , just opinions on that gun only.we all like to chime in on what everyone should & should not get.
thank- you in advance
G36 vs G30

I own the G30 (.45ACP) and have carried it for around 10 years now. It's a bit thick to carry concealed, but very doable. However, when the G36 came out I had to try it.

The G36 is a single-stack, so it's slimmer than the G30, but it also holds fewer rounds.

After running a few rounds through my clusters were getting bigger and bigger... not because the gun is inaccurate, but because the shooting the G36 HURTS!

Because the G36 is slimmer, it recoils against a smaller area of the hand... painfully so.

That said, the G36 is a sexy little gun. I just can't justify the additional pain, decreased accuracy (due to the pain), and the reduced magazine capacity.

My suggestion: go to your range and rent/borrow a G36 and a G30, shoot 50+ rounds through both, see which you like better. At the end of the day, the real question is "does it work for you". If the G36 feels right to you, go for it. If not, try the G30 and see if that one "works for you".

Let me know if you have any other questions.

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The G30 is too bulky for me. My first choice was the G36 but I ended up getting a 1911 instead. The 1911 and Taurus PT145 are both slim .45's, the Taurus being lightweight like the G36. I must say the recoil to me, a small guy, is manageable, but to each his own! Try the G36- if you don't like it then try the G30 as joelevi suggested.
I agree w/ Joelevi about the smaller frame guns hurting. I had a G36 but now have the G27. I also got a grip extender so I could carry a few more rounds with G27 (can use the G22 mags). The grip extender goes along way to comfort and shootability. I think they are made by A&G and cost around $9.
I would not TRADE. I have traded several guns over the years and always sorry I did. The LCP is not expensive enough to trade in and make a difference. Just get the other gun. Both serve different purposes and you can wear the LCPin places the Glock won't work.
U PEEPS r the best, thank-you for the insight.i have alot to think about & some guns that need to be rented .measure twice & cut once as they say
Looks like u got plenty of input, so I thought I would put my 2 cents worth in lol.............. GLOCK #1 is my choice lol, But you need to go with what you like, and what fits you best, the main thing is for you to be happy, and have a gun that you like, and fits you.................
My daily CCW is a Glock 27 in .40 S&W. And though I found the recoil to be a little snappy at first, I quickly got used to it. I now love shooting that little gun! And inside 30 feet, I can perform surgery with it:biggrin: I used to carry a G23 IWB, but for my day job, deep concealment is a must! Anyway, Glocks are great handguns and are my first choice as a defensive firearm. As others have stated, try them out and see what is best for you. I am betting that you will wind up going with a G30 and an IWB Crossbreed Supertuck holster.:wink:
The G30 is too bulky for me. My first choice was the G36 but I ended up getting a 1911 instead. The 1911 and Taurus PT145 are both slim .45's, the Taurus being lightweight like the G36. I must say the recoil to me, a small guy, is manageable, but to each his own! Try the G36- if you don't like it then try the G30 as joelevi suggested.

The G30 is a pretty thick handgun, but it's great for me because I have big hands.

You really can't go wrong with a 1911 though. :)

We're also limiting our discussion to .45 ACP. With today's hollow-points (Federal Hyrdra-Shocks, the Hornady red-tips, etc.) 9mm is a very reasonable option, too.

I like your take-home point: "to each his own". Ask around, then try each one for yourself, pick what feels best to you.

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[...] I also got a grip extender so I could carry a few more rounds with G27 (can use the G22 mags). The grip extender goes along way to comfort and shootability. I think they are made by A&G and cost around $9.

Pierce and Sheir (unsure on spelling) both make replacement bottom-plates for Glock mags to add a "pinkey finger" notch. Although I don't "need" this extra grip (my accuracy with the stock magazines is just fine and doesn't increase with the extenders) it just makes the gun feel better in my hand. And for under $15 it's well worth it.

If you shop at and order a magazine and a grip extender, they'll install it for you if you ask them.

To your second point, that's one of the things I LOVE about Glock: I can use the mid- and full-frame magazines in my sub-compact G30 with no modifications needed. So I carry 10+1 in the gun, and have another 13+2 in my extra mag on my other hip.

This also works well if you have a primary and secondary gun in the same caliber, you only have to carry one set of extra-mags and they'll work in both guns.

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I am betting that you will wind up going with a G30 and an IWB Crossbreed Supertuck holster.:wink:

I'd like to put a plug in for Mitch Rosen Gun Leather mitch rosen gunleather

I had him make a Workman Slimline for me and have worn it almost daily for 10+ years. It's IWB, tuckable, and worth every penny.

I'm adding a Serpa CQC for a Level 2 Retention Holster for when I open-carry (Santa's bringing it ;) ).

- Joe Levi, Link Removed