Found a flatbow, don't know what to do with it


I went to a redneck thingamajig yesterday where I stuck out like a sore thumb. On the way there, I found a flatbow on the road. It's made of fiberglass and has no string. Does anybody know anything about this bow? I'd like to string it and try it out, but there's no markings on it and I'm assuming that whatever I obtain for it will probably not be compatible.
You're probably going to have to take it to an archery shop and have a string custom made. That is unless you have a string jig. Also if its a recurve or has removable limbs you'll need to make sure they're not twisted before you shoot it. Also you will want to have the limbs checked for spider cracks to ensure its safe to shoot. There is usually a marking on the inside of the lower limb that denotes the draw weight and manufacturer. If nothing there then I'd take it to a pro and have them give it a once over.
It should have two numbers on the belly of the lower limb. These will the AMO length for the string and the weight of pull at 28". With these two numbers you can buy a bowstring at most good outdoor stores or order online. Should not be over $14 or so for a good one. Congrats, take up another sport.
It should have two numbers on the belly of the lower limb. These will the AMO length for the string and the weight of pull at 28". With these two numbers you can buy a bowstring at most good outdoor stores or order online. Should not be over $14 or so for a good one. Congrats, take up another sport.

I looked thoroughly, but no markings. Also, some damage. Maybe a no go? No idea how these work. Measures out to 64 inches. Link RemovedLink Removed
This might fit the bill Link Removed

The damage at the notch is probably fine. Just sand it smooth.

I would however go easy the first few draws.

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