PEW Professional
This past Sunday morning I took a button buck (thought it was a doe) down in GA. I was using the in-law's scoped .30 M1 Carbine, first shot was at 10-12yds to my left... bullet entered the right, front shoulder at an angle and exited the left side near the last rib. The damn thing took off running down it's curved trail in front of me (heading towards the corn), I waited for the next clearing and took another shot at about 30yds... amazingly I hit it in the right side of the neck and he dropped. It was about 100-110lbs, not too large but will give some good meat for the freezer.
I was using 110gr SP loads but, the bullets still had little deformation/expansion and went in-and-out. I figured that's expected, a light bullet at low speed isn't going to do much but poke holes in things. It was good shot placement and I know he would have went down without a second shot but, I really didn't feel like tracking anything down... I'm lazy and it's less work to shoot again.
Anybody else get any deer recently?
I was using 110gr SP loads but, the bullets still had little deformation/expansion and went in-and-out. I figured that's expected, a light bullet at low speed isn't going to do much but poke holes in things. It was good shot placement and I know he would have went down without a second shot but, I really didn't feel like tracking anything down... I'm lazy and it's less work to shoot again.
Anybody else get any deer recently?