First Deer Of The Season!


PEW Professional
This past Sunday morning I took a button buck (thought it was a doe) down in GA. I was using the in-law's scoped .30 M1 Carbine, first shot was at 10-12yds to my left... bullet entered the right, front shoulder at an angle and exited the left side near the last rib. The damn thing took off running down it's curved trail in front of me (heading towards the corn), I waited for the next clearing and took another shot at about 30yds... amazingly I hit it in the right side of the neck and he dropped. It was about 100-110lbs, not too large but will give some good meat for the freezer.

I was using 110gr SP loads but, the bullets still had little deformation/expansion and went in-and-out. I figured that's expected, a light bullet at low speed isn't going to do much but poke holes in things. It was good shot placement and I know he would have went down without a second shot but, I really didn't feel like tracking anything down... I'm lazy and it's less work to shoot again.

Anybody else get any deer recently?
Sadly no, Financially things prevented me and a buddy from hitting Northern Michigan and deer hunting. Ive seen them around my area, but with it being so populated, only shotgun and bow are allowed. Although another friend of mine managed to hit a 13 point white tail a couple days ago, dont know the exact weight, but pictures suggested the thing was huge. Cant wait to get out there next season. Good shooting there buddy, not everyone is lucky enough to get a 2nd shot off, especially a fatal one such as yours. Have fun the rest of the season, next time, post some damn pictures lol.
Happy Hunting.
Here, you can see the improvised drag-line I used to get him out of the woods. I had forgot mine so I used a thick vine...

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Here he is with my daughter and one of the in-laws...

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You can sorta make out the small exit wounds on the neck and side... the little .30 carbine round doesn't blow out anything, just pokes holes.
Love the pic. Nice deer buddy. Looking for some new huntin grounds here in Michigan. Next season right?! lol.
I got a nice 6 pointer...with my truck. Took out my passenger side turn signal and unseated my headlight which points up at the trees now. Called the DNR and asked for a tag, got it. And about 10 pounds of good meat. Opener for 9 day gun deer is next Saturday. Can't wait!!!
On Sunday morning, I saw a nice buck at about 5 min after daylight. I was at the bottom of a hill in a little valley and had been following his tracks for an hour and just loaded a shell into my 12 ga when he leaped out of some thorns and stood tall looking in the opposite direction. About 15 yards away...Heart was pounding hands were frozen but sweaty, and my arms were shaking from the adrenaline surge. His antlers were wide and tall, not sure of how many points because it was still pretty dark. I put my bead just below and right of his shoulder and took a breath, clicked the safety off and just realized that behind him was solid blue. I had him dead to rights, but couldn't take the shot. At that angle, a miss would have gone for miles and miles...I decided to stay quiet and stalk but a few kids headed to their tree stands sent him leaping over a fence and onto private property. Disappointed but still thrilled at the sight of that bruiser. Maybe I will get him on Thursday. Good lord, what a sight! I'd love to have a picture of that beast!! Or a mouthful lol

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Hunted hard for five days over the Thanksgiving holiday, we had five stands filled on the property and nobody saw a damn thing! I spooked a doe coming back from the stand Thursday morning but had no shot. Couldn't believe none of us got a shot... however, we did get our fill of squirrel to make up for it and some of the in-laws went dove hunting on some fields nearby.

While we were out squirrel hunting we came across a rub on a pine that was (no sh!t) six inches thick! There's a big buck out there... eventually he'll slip up and give us a shot.

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