finger around trigger gaurd

hey folks, new guy to the site. I carry a Gen 4 19. And wonder what you folks thing about support hand finger around the trigger gaurd?
I know lots of shooters say no, because of pull. If that is the case, why does Glock have the rigid grooved up there? I personally
don't do it,l but wondering if others do and how its working for you
Welcome aboard. I use that technique with my glocks. Works great for me but YMMV. Try out some dry firing with your index finger on the guard then try some live rounds and see what difference if any it makes for you. For me it is helpful when making follow up shots. If you don't like it, don't use that technique. I have been shooting my glocks that way for nearly 20 years so I have had plenty of range time to refine and practice what works best for me. Everyone is different and what works best for me or someone else may not work well for you but the three best things regardless of what technique you utilize is practice, practice, practice.
That is what I do when I shoot at targets. I think it reduces muzzle flip, but that could be just my imagination.

All it does is force you to pull shots low. The leverage you gain can have a negative impact on your ability to shoot accurately. If you shoot a pistol like a shotgun, you will not see a change in doing this or not.
+10 :pleasantry:

And another +10 !!

If standing on your head or shooting between your legs is the way you shoot the best, fastest and most accurate, then do it that way. What counts is those center mass shots............and pretty much nothing else.

All it does is force you to pull shots low. The leverage you gain can have a negative impact on your ability to shoot accurately. If you shoot a pistol like a shotgun, you will not see a change in doing this or not.

It doesn't so much force you to shoot low as make your flinching more pronounced. Practice using snap caps and having your finger in front of the trigger guard can work really well. It does reduce muzzle rise making 2nd shots quicker.

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I recently was "required" to attend an NRA (oh the HORROR!), pistol course for a prospective job.
I've been shooting for over two and one half decades and I place the finger of my off hand, on the front of the trigger guard.

This did not meet with approval from the instructor but he was such a nice guy that I finished out the course as he wished... Finger off the trigger guard.

I will continue to use my chosen grip as it works for me too.
I would not recommend this as a technique. Any time I have observed this grip being used I have seen reduced accuracy particularly on follow-up shots and, contrary to scott_see's experience, slower follow-up shots. I also just don't like another finger up where it could possibly end up on the trigger. I shoot competition weekly, and I have never seen anyone using that style of grip. Glocks, 1911's, custom "race" guns, doesn't matter, nobody is gripping their pistol on the front of the trigger guard. I think there's a reason for that. I don't think you'll find many instructors who teach or will recommend that technique.
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I have pistols with manual safeties... I have pistols with decockers....
I have pistols that are just point and shoot and I carry them all, in any order of rotation I choose.
I am very familiar with my manual at arms for all weapons described so while it's a nice thought, I'll continue to do what I choose to do and that works best for me... Thanks though..

I place my weak hand's ( left ) index finger on the front of the trigger guard.

It allows for better leverage on the gun, less muzzle flip, faster follow up shots and more accurate.

Been doing it that way for over 35 years. ( I'm 52yo, do the math ).

I wouldn't want to make that a habit because I also shoot revolvers, mainly single actions.

If I wrapped my finger around the front of the trigger guard it would burn my knuckle due to the blast from the gap between the cylinder and the forcing cone of the barrel.

Larger calibers have considerable blast and some actually burn the top strap. Frame cutting was a major problem for the Ruger .357 Maximum from around 1979 and production was stopped in the early eighties.

Automatic-only shooters would not have this problem.

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