Federal Bureau of Investigation Signs largest contract in the history of the FBI


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ATK Awarded Five-Year FBI Ammunition Contract Valued at $95 Million

FBI contracts ATK for ammunition - UPI.com


Okay, the preparedness of something is coming tells me get your ammo, buy it cheap stack it deep

November 6, 2012 is the day of the beginning of the end, or is it the end of a new beginning?:confused: yet, stand by for I'm sure it will get much worse
before it get's better

Is there a war going on?

When is there not? We have the War on Drugs, War on poverty, and war on education... er, yeah... I'll go with that.

Is the timing odd? Hmm... maybe. Is it all a greater plan of evil? Hmm... maybe.

Do I or will I ever trust the 'gubment', no.
The contract is not just for the FBI alone. The entire contract covers many other agencies.

In addition to the FBI, the contract impacts many agencies both inside and outside the Department of Justice, including the Drug Enforcement Administration, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and U.S. Marshal Service.

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How many shooting officers are there in all of these agencies and how often do they train? What's the normal duty loading (amount of ammo each officer is issued for duty)? I dunno. With the increase in the number of agents added since the Patriot act came on line, the number has increased by a huge number. If the lion-share of the number hired are field agents, they have to be equiped.

Wonder if the number of gun purchases by the government is anything like the ammo purchase. The ammo is just the 'feed'.
When is there not? We have the War on Drugs, War on poverty, and war on education... er, yeah... I'll go with that.

Is the timing odd? Hmm... maybe. Is it all a greater plan of evil? Hmm... maybe.

Do I or will I ever trust the 'gubment', no.

Don't forget the current wars on Freedom, Christianity, and the Constitution.
Is there a war going on?

Again if Obama loses the election DHS and FBI are preparing for what the refer to as a Civil Unrest. What this means is there will be war, but nothing like the US has ever dealt with with before, the Watts, LA and Detroit riots added together could not compare. This will not necessarily mean it will not be racial, but more on the other hand of an uprising of Muslims, and just not any Muslims. DHS and the FBI are both watching the movements of the Islamic Jihadist, Muslim Brotherhood out of Egypt Terrorists Organization, Taliban, al Qaeda and other terrorist enter through the open area of our unprotected Borders. Our Border Patrol Agents are already cut to the bone, Obama refuses to assist Arizona in any way to include the use of ICE, but had no problem of making the matters worse by opening the Arizona Border to Illegal Mexicans within a certain age group. He has attempted to to ban the sales of buying ammunition on line, raising the tax per bullet on the shelf in home town stores. I would say find ammunition, buy it cheap, stack it deep. No one and I mean no is going to be there to protect you except for you, scout in area out for a safe haven load up the camper, RV, Tailor, SUV, Pick-up truck, stock it with water, MRE's (Meals Ready To Eat) C-Rations, Canned food did I mention water for you will need plenty, batteries, clothes, do not forget your Ammunition and weapons and most of all do not forget your Bible. Only you can be prepared for November 6, 2012, and the days following. IF Obama wins the results will be the the same, so no matter what happens be prepared for the worse and pray for the best.
Hey, SFC. You mentioned "C-Rations." Can those still be purchased? I never really minded them that much.
Hey, SFC. You mentioned "C-Rations." Can those still be purchased? I never really minded them that much.

I have seen them in the Army/Navy Surplus stores other than that I could not say any other places. Of course I would rather have a good home cooked meal, or even a ham sandwhich, then maybe the MRE's and the last choice would be C-Rations, but better than going hungry.
First link is undated but look at the date on the second and third links. Nov. 3, 2010. Original date for the fourth link is June 9, 2012. Old news and posted on before on this forum. It isn't anything new.

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