Fastest Brady response yet.....

Typical anti response! Now we will hear how the NRA, Conservatives, Trump and all of us Right Wing, Bible thumping, gun hugger's are the cause of this latest shooting.

Never mind that it was done in a "gun free" zone like all the other shootings! But that would NEVER be factored into their thinking!
Gun Free Zones are always easy kill zones. What part of that don't the Libs get? "A well armed society is a polite society". Had a teacher and or student been armed. This possibly could have had a different ending.
And the fight continues; Link Removed
Human behavior cannot be mandated nor can restrictions on items be banned. (Link Removed) I say look at the Prohibition ban on Alcohol, how that work out?. Gun control or further restrictions only enables a bigger underground economy. Criminals will always be criminals. You just can't stop a crazy or for that fact a person with intent to do others harm. UNLESS, they have expressed previous comments and those comments have been ignored. OR if you're armed and engaged. JMHO
You refer to them as "Gun Free Zones" but the wacko's think of them a "Free Gun Fire Zones".
I have to wonder why we have not heard the name, race and religion of the shooter. Normally the media and officials can not wait to get this info out.

Perhaps it's nothing but I HAVE to wonder, WHY!!
I have to wonder why we have not heard the name, race and religion of the shooter. Normally the media and officials can not wait to get this info out.

Perhaps it's nothing but I HAVE to wonder, WHY!!

That is certainly odd. It is also odd that there has been only very limited information on the entire case. What is not odd is that the President and CNN are talking gun control without actually knowing what happened exactly today and why.
That is certainly odd. It is also odd that there has been only very limited information on the entire case. What is not odd is that the President and CNN are talking gun control without actually knowing what happened exactly today and why.

Exactly!!! But talking gun control without the facts is what the anti's do. Also our Idiot-in-Chief is trying to bury his incompetence in the Syria-Russia thing!!!
Latest info: The shooter was 26-year old Chris Harper Mercer (see Link Removed), CBS News and CNN are reporting.
Shooters name may be Mohammad, Achmed or Hussein. Not saying anything, just saying. Feds have probably told locals that if they don't comply with their demands. They'll loose Fed funding. Another Black Ops operation by this corrupt administration. JMHO
O'Reilly reported that when he asked the people to name their religion, if they said, "Christian," he shot them in the head, otherwise he shot them in the leg or foot. Sounds like a Muslim to me.
O'Reilly reported that when he asked the people to name their religion, if they said, "Christian," he shot them in the head, otherwise he shot them in the leg or foot. Sounds like a Muslim to me.

He claimed to be a conservative Republican.

Link Removed

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