Don't be so sensitive!!


New member
Picture this. I am a 6'1" Black male. I am in Walmart during an active shooter situation. The shooter has shot several people and from my position, I have a clear shot that will not endanger anyone else. I take the shot, disabling the shooter. 911 has been called. As the LEO enter, they see me with my firearm drawn,
What do you think COULD happen in that instant,
Should the possibility of an unfortunate outcome deter me from getting involved.

I am not trying to be controversial . Just looking for honest well meant advice.
Regardless of race, height or gender, with a situation like that things could go south QUICK!!!
First thing first. DROP THAT GUN IMMEDIATELY and make your hands visible, as far up and away from your body as absolutely possible.
Now unfortunately because of the situation and the officers not knowing who is who, they are going to cuff and detain you until they figure it out. Just cooperate completely and do exactly what they say.
It won’t take them long to sort it out. Because besides witness, now every Walmart, convenience store, grocery store and most restaurants all have cameras throughout.
Just keep a cool head, follow this advice and you’ll go home the guy who saved peoples lives!
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