Do you think the Florida incident has or will affect gun legislation in your state?

I believe the incident in Florida has already had a negative affect in my state. February 26th, 2012 is when the shooting happened. March 6th, 2012 the Chairman of the state Senate Judiciary Committee announced to the media that he will make sure that two bills (a state Consitutional amendment for RKBA and a bill regarding Castle and Stand Your Ground) passed by the state House of Representatives will die in his committee. A third bill regarding state preemption of firearms sponsored by the House Committee a month ago has yet to be placed on the calendar for debate. It is my opinion that these actions or lack thereof are a result of the event and media attention in Florida. Anyone else have an opinion on actions or lack of action regarding weapons legislation in other states?

I doubt that it was a result of what happened here in Florida.
More than likely your chairman was going to do it anyway but now he is using this incident as an excuse.
All the facts haven't been brought to light yet and the stand your ground may not even apply in Zimmerman's case. Politicians do what they always do, find excuses to force their own agenda no matter what The People want.
I doubt that it was a result of what happened here in Florida.
More than likely your chairman was going to do it anyway but now he is using this incident as an excuse.
All the facts haven't been brought to light yet and the stand your ground may not even apply in Zimmerman's case. Politicians do what they always do, find excuses to force their own agenda no matter what The People want.

Like Wyldekard, I also keep close tabs on the same legislation he is speaking of in his post. While I agree with you that Chairman would have liked nothing more than to do exactly as you think, this incident in Florida has indeed changed the direction of the legislation. All indications here were that the legislation was going to the floor because Dems have been in the hot seat over these issues for years now. They were pretty much guaranteed the boot in mass if it was not allowed to come up for debate and a vote. Now they feel they are safe enough to put down the legislation. Once again, the media has controlled the message and the outcome by using lies, speculation, and innuendo to heard the sheep off a cliff.
Hah, here in MA we have a bill that was just introduced that is close to Floridas stand your ground. I have a feeling it won't go anywhere. I don't think you should have to back down ever if you don't want to. That being said, if you call my mommy names that gives me no right to touch you. Once you lay hands on me, all bet are off and God may be your only savior. In MA our attorney general "discourages self help" That came from the dad that decked the illegal immigrant pedifile who tried to mess with his kid in a bathroom. We won't get this bill and it is to bad. Trayvon case is a mess, and I think with the media mess it will hurt the overall cause.
I believe the incident in Florida has already had a negative affect in my state. February 26th, 2012 is when the shooting happened. March 6th, 2012 the Chairman of the state Senate Judiciary Committee announced to the media that he will make sure that two bills (a state Consitutional amendment for RKBA and a bill regarding Castle and Stand Your Ground) passed by the state House of Representatives will die in his committee. A third bill regarding state preemption of firearms sponsored by the House Committee a month ago has yet to be placed on the calendar for debate. It is my opinion that these actions or lack thereof are a result of the event and media attention in Florida. Anyone else have an opinion on actions or lack of action regarding weapons legislation in other states?

This could be a knee-jerk reaction by your legislator and an attempt to be politically correct in a situation where there should be no interferrence. People are too fast to rush to judgement without even knowing the full particulars of the situation in Florida. We have Castle Doctrine in our state and haven't had any problems yet but, if we do, I hope cool heads will try to make decisions.
all the facts are not out on this case and with all the incorrect information provided by the liberal media it is making tension rise in all communities.

I do not know why the media is making this a white on black racial issue ( Zimmerman is hispanic).
Was there a physical confrontation...yes...
Was there a minor as a witness...yes...
Did the media disclose the full name and age of the this a crime, yes it is...!
2 actors have tweeted the address of the zimmerman this a crime, yes it this irresponsable on the persons part...yes.

This is why I say all the time in class...when you pull your handgun in a dynamic situation like this one, your life will change on the physical, psycological, economical and social aspects.

Zimmerman is being judged by the media without proper information....I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion per the constitution, but when it creates civil unrest in our communities... (President Obama making a comment on the matter)...there comes a time when responsable citizens need to keep a cool and calm head and get all the facts before passing judgement.

I do not agree with the media coverage and the president of the U.S. commenting on a civil matter before having all the facts is irresponsable to say the least...for the media to continue to attack with no facts is irresponsable. For Rosanne and other actors to tweet the address and out the zimmerman family at risk is irresponsable...

A CCW permit is to protect your family and yor life, but it will not protect you from judgement from your community, media or a panel of 12.

So if you think that you are going to come out unhurt and with out having your family name dragged thru the mud you have an unreal expectation if true life events...I hope the justice nd the truth comes out at the end...I wish both families a fast recovery from this event.

Now remeber that legislation is made because people vote on it...So go out and make your voice count...!
I agree with what stingray2100 has to say. But the OP asked if the incident will affect my state, and it seems that some in SC are already wanting to repeal our "Stand Your Ground" law.

Lawmaker Calls for Repeal of SC Stand Your Ground Law

Link Removed
The anti-gun political action groups will take advantage of any incident they can. Will of the people be damned. Our elected representatives, local and national, seem to forget their job is to represent us. They are not there to be swayed by special interest groups. The news media will not be held accountable as usual. It's up to us the voter to try and clean up government corruption. Make these people fear for their job. Get out and vote.
I would not be surprised if it has a negative effect (from our perspective). I suspect it already has in Georgia.
The anti-gun political action groups will take advantage of any incident they can. Will of the people be damned. Our elected representatives, local and national, seem to forget their job is to represent us. They are not there to be swayed by special interest groups. The news media will not be held accountable as usual. It's up to us the voter to try and clean up government corruption. Make these people fear for their job. Get out and vote.
Al Sharpton and Jessie will exploit this for money.
Bloomberg and Schumer will exploit this for their anti 2A agenda.
They saw it succeed in England and Australia.
They will use what ever they have at their disposal to splinter us - divide and sub divide us.
Guess what? It is working!
Getting out and voting is okay, but getting off your butt and actually working for someone or a cause to help in the fight against Bloomberg, Schumer etc.....doubtful.
In the end we will all willingly walk hand in hand while we turn over our guns to the melting furnace.
That is what happened in England.
A man must stand for something or he will fall for anything.
I believe the incident in Florida has already had a negative affect in my state. February 26th, 2012 is when the shooting happened. March 6th, 2012 the Chairman of the state Senate Judiciary Committee announced to the media that he will make sure that two bills (a state Consitutional amendment for RKBA and a bill regarding Castle and Stand Your Ground) passed by the state House of Representatives will die in his committee. A third bill regarding state preemption of firearms sponsored by the House Committee a month ago has yet to be placed on the calendar for debate. It is my opinion that these actions or lack thereof are a result of the event and media attention in Florida. Anyone else have an opinion on actions or lack of action regarding weapons legislation in other states?

ANY and ALL that can OC, I highly recommend it. The more people see "Legal Citizens" carrying the better.
The same folks who want to kill workers’ rights want to kill voters and our Children

Talk about exploitation! While we bicker amongst ourselves, the left has got their shidt together. They never let a good crisis go to waste.
AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker “conservative, right-wing policies that are to blame” for Trayvon Martin‘s death.
“The same folks who want to kill workers’ rights in the work place are the same folks who want to kill voters’ votes … and now they are literally supporting legislation that is literally killing our children.”

AFL-CIO Exec | Right-Wing Policies | Stand Your Ground | Trayvon Martin | The Daily Caller
Don't believe it will have any impact here in Texas ... amazing to me that with the facts still at issue and the shooter "innocent until proven guilty," people are already blaming him and the Castle Law for this shooting. In most areas that I'm familiar with, official Neighborhood Watch groups are not allowed to be armed; haven't seen anything regarding that issue in this case. Our local rag ran an NYT columnist already on the bandwagon opposing the law.
Talk about exploitation! While we bicker amongst ourselves, the left has got their shidt together. They never let a good crisis go to waste.
AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker “conservative, right-wing policies that are to blame” for Trayvon Martin‘s death.
“The same folks who want to kill workers’ rights in the work place are the same folks who want to kill voters’ votes … and now they are literally supporting legislation that is literally killing our children.”

AFL-CIO Exec | Right-Wing Policies | Stand Your Ground | Trayvon Martin | The Daily Caller

The dirty little secret the union thugs don't want you to know. There are plenty of federal laws on the books to protect employees. This is all about money and power to them period.
all the facts are not out on this case and with all the incorrect information provided by the liberal media it is making tension rise in all communities.

I do not know why the media is making this a white on black racial issue ( Zimmerman is hispanic).
Was there a physical confrontation...yes...
Was there a minor as a witness...yes...
Did the media disclose the full name and age of the this a crime, yes it is...!
2 actors have tweeted the address of the zimmerman this a crime, yes it this irresponsable on the persons part...yes.

This is why I say all the time in class...when you pull your handgun in a dynamic situation like this one, your life will change on the physical, psycological, economical and social aspects.

Zimmerman is being judged by the media without proper information....I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion per the constitution, but when it creates civil unrest in our communities... (President Obama making a comment on the matter)...there comes a time when responsable citizens need to keep a cool and calm head and get all the facts before passing judgement.

I do not agree with the media coverage and the president of the U.S. commenting on a civil matter before having all the facts is irresponsable to say the least...for the media to continue to attack with no facts is irresponsable. For Rosanne and other actors to tweet the address and out the zimmerman family at risk is irresponsable...

A CCW permit is to protect your family and yor life, but it will not protect you from judgement from your community, media or a panel of 12.

So if you think that you are going to come out unhurt and with out having your family name dragged thru the mud you have an unreal expectation if true life events...I hope the justice nd the truth comes out at the end...I wish both families a fast recovery from this event.

Now remeber that legislation is made because people vote on it...So go out and make your voice count...!

How do you wish a family a fast recovery when there teenage son has been shot down in this manner. They may recover but, it will not be fast and will not come about until JUSTICE is served. There son lays in the morgue for three days as a John Doe even though his cell phone was there for the police to call somebody in his contact list. The lead detective does not believe Zimmermans story and wants to charge manslaughter. His decision is over ruled by the chief and prosecuter who travels 50 mile in rainy weather to the scene. How does a police department not take blood and alcohol samples form someone who just admitted they shot someone? How do you not take and save the clothing after a shooting and let the person walk away? The only thing that the president said is "if I had a son he would look like Trayvon". The hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I think about this case. There was also information given out about Trayvon that was private. Information like his school record and information from face book and tweeter accounts which have been hacked and made to look like he put the informationg there. Deep down we (I) know that this was a bad shoot. We don't have to worry about state legislation pushing back because we have given them all the ammo they need. As an instructor, ask yourself how someone who has a domestic violence report against his and assult against a police officer get a permit to carry a concealed weapon?
How do you wish a family a fast recovery when there teenage son has been shot down in this manner. They may recover but, it will not be fast and will not come about until JUSTICE is served. There son lays in the morgue for three days as a John Doe even though his cell phone was there for the police to call somebody in his contact list. The lead detective does not believe Zimmermans story and wants to charge manslaughter. His decision is over ruled by the chief and prosecuter who travels 50 mile in rainy weather to the scene. How does a police department not take blood and alcohol samples form someone who just admitted they shot someone? How do you not take and save the clothing after a shooting and let the person walk away? The only thing that the president said is "if I had a son he would look like Trayvon". The hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I think about this case. There was also information given out about Trayvon that was private. Information like his school record and information from face book and tweeter accounts which have been hacked and made to look like he put the informationg there. Deep down we (I) know that this was a bad shoot. We don't have to worry about state legislation pushing back because we have given them all the ammo they need. As an instructor, ask yourself how someone who has a domestic violence report against his and assult against a police officer get a permit to carry a concealed weapon?

Leadsender: I have all the sympathy in the world for Trayvon's family. Losing a family member, under any circumstances, is terrible but this death is being played up in the media and by rabble rousers who make their living like this. Everybody has an opinion about what happened but there is no one right now who can actually say for certain what happened. Not a single soul but everybody from the president to other elected officials are making accusations which they can't prove and are pandering to the black community and causing hysteria .I find it hard to believe that blacks are that gullible to be whipped into a frenzy before all the facts are out. The blacks are being lead by the nose but, the shame of the matter is, they seem to be actually enjoying it and several, including the family, are trying to benefit financially from the death. All my life I have heard how black people wanted to do better in the world and have equal rights. The last fifty years has seen tremendous strides in benefits for the black community in attainment of rights but, with those rights comes responsibilities. It is time to stop the hysteria and settle down and act like reasonable people and let the law run it's course in this incident.
The Anti-Firearm News Media in Oklahoma already are beating drums against Oklahoma's Stand your ground Law and the up coming Open Carry Law. If old Zimmer did anything thing he really helped the Anti-Firearm groups everywhere in the USA.

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