District of Columbia- self defense ?


feeling undude
I recently relocated to Washington, DC and heard a story tonight from a young lady at the dinner table who was robbed at knifepoint and stabbed during the ordeal. This got me wondering how I can legally defend myself in the District of Columbia. Is there a legal means of self defense available?

Hearing this horrible account over dinner tonight makes me wish my NC Concealed Carry Permit, XD-M and supertuck holster were not a felony in the District of Columbia.

Any suggestions on how to legally defend myself?


I recently relocated to Washington, DC and heard a story tonight from a young lady at the dinner table who was robbed at knifepoint and stabbed during the ordeal. This got me wondering how I can legally defend myself in the District of Columbia. Is there a legal means of self defense available?

Hearing this horrible account over dinner tonight makes me wish my NC Concealed Carry Permit, XD-M and supertuck holster were not a felony in the District of Columbia.

Any suggestions on how to legally defend myself?

Carry throw down money, so when the bad guys hit you up for cash you thow down a couple of 5's and take off.
Start doing wind sprints to increse your speed.
Find out of pepper spray, or an ASP is allowed in DC. A roll of quaters in a sock is legal everywhere.
Hire a large person travel with you.
Practice engaging with dialog people intent on robbing, and or harming you. Maybe you can talk your way out of danger.
Biuy a police whistle
Get a doberbman
Never leave your home. Have everything delivered.
Move to a safer city.
Learn kung fu.
Vote the present group of political clowns out.
Make sure nobody serves more then two terms.
Join the NRA
I moved down here from northern PA and worked in DC for a few years while living in constitutional-friendly VA. I lived the DC social life almost every night for a couple of years. The smartest thing you can do is be aware of your surroundings and don't become a target. Even today while carrying - OC or CC - no matter where I am, I will "cross the street" if that is what it takes to avoid a threat. I realize it's not that cut and dried downtown. Throw down money is a good idea. When I stop at rest areas or truck stops on the highway (generally I just step out on the shoulder of the road and water the wheel) I will only take with me $20 and my ID so the loss from a theft would be minimal. Even though you may be carrying a gun or pepper spray or another means of self-defense it is always good to have that option to resolve the conflict. Remember rule number one for winning a fight is not to get in a fight.

Have you seen this article? Proof positive that violent crime can happen anywhere and anytime - even in a defense-free state like MD.

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interesting. so in order to defend myself, i'd have to break the law by having pepper spray, blackjack, or stun gun.

Drop money is an interesting idea. I'll just start carrying 10 dollars in singles everywhere I go. Which direction should I run? :fie:

How do I outrun a bullet?
so I cant defend myself legally with anything? There's got to be something apart from drop money and wind sprints.

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