On the first assumption, concealed carry is a compromise with the second amendment in our constitution so that the populace wouldn't have a panic attack seeing someone visibly carrying a weapon as the liberals have trained them to respond to such a display. Out of sight, out of mind; as it is.
A couple if things to point out....
The Guberment has no authority over me. Those duchebags work for me (us).
As far as a "National CCW", I say screw that! I will not allow those jokers in DC the decision on how to implement it!
Secondly, what would happen to states like mine (Vermont) that do not require a permit for open or concealed carry?!
Do you think I would just "happily" go along with a permit system, AKA, further restriction, on a Right that the Guberment has zero authority over?!?
Y'all need to wake the hell up and instead of pushing for a "National Right to Carry", you SHOULD be pushing for a carry system like Vermont's! At the very least!
Out of sight, out of mind? Yeah, that seems to work real good at quelling the masses!
Bull crap!
I carry openly, ever damn day and ya know what?
Guess what?! I don't give a S H I T even if they do care!
Hey.. If you want to give up your rights, that's your choice. Just don't expect me to give up mine!
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