Detroit: Wild West?


New member
Read this story earlier today. Makes me wonder if other cities are next.

Looks like the good people of Detroit have realized that they are on their own. It's likely to be a coming trend as more cities respond to fiscal crisis by cutting police forces.

The THINKING thug (if there is such an animal) may realize it's better to gamble with police and the judicial system than with irrate, empowered and armed citizenry, then move to a more "criminal-friendly" locale. D.C., NYC and Chicago should expect an influx of thugs, based solely upon how difficult they make it for the law-abiding to even HAVE the means to protect themselves. I've probably left out some West Coast "criminal paradises", feel free to chime in.
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A large percentage of my recent CPL class were Detroiters fearful of their safety and sharing Police response times like those cited in the story. It was very sobering indeed.
Wow! My husband has some relatives in MI and deny living near any troubled areas there. We can talk the same language with his nephew but his sister and the rest of her family are Dumbo-rats.
I had an Uncle that was a Detective on the Royal Oak Police Department, he told me that there were places in Detroit that the police would not go because the residents would shoot at them. That was back in the 70's.
Detroit is a classic example of liberalism run-a-muck.

Spoken like someone who has never lived in or spent time in the city. Detroit is like most former one industry town. The city and state depended on one industry (autos) and when that industry began to fail so did the city. It also did not help when white folk headed for the hills (Farmington Hills, Auburn Hills,etc.) because of real estate speculators and fear of the late Mayor Coleman A. Young. Buy the way the city was looking population before that. People are not so fearful that they do not come down to the city for football, baseball, Red Wings hockey games, the fire works, concerts or to gamble. Liberalism or liberals has very little to do with it.
I am in agreement with most of what the article was speaking too. I am not in agreement when they talk about vigilantism. The officer that took things into his own hands became a vigilante and as a result is in prison. You just can't shove your badge in people face and chase folk down. I applied for and received my CPL eight months before the governor started talking about removing people form state aid. If you did not see what was coming then you were not looking. We live in a state and country that has out sourced and cut back to the bone. What did the city and state governments expect people to do. I do know that if the courts don't handle the people let loose that the people will. If you look at those justifiable shoots; you will see that many of those killed had records and were in and out of jail. Enought said.

Your absolutely correct. I've never lived in a big city. I do know what it's like to live in a one industry town. When the tree hugging special interest groups killed the logging industry, many small towns dried up. My town used to have 5 mills. We have one small mill left and they only dry veneer. I disagree with your statement liberals have little to do with it. Liberal and social policies have played a large part in the destruction of economy's and quality of life through out the world. Trouble with you liberals is you can't see the forest through the trees. Believe it or not we don't live in a zero sum world.
I have worked the Pacific Northwest so I do know a little about the forrest. Places like Anacortes and Seattle Washington in addition to Portland, OR. Those were areas where the tankers I sailed on prepped for the ship yards or delivered crude oil. I also had the pleasure of going into work with a former girl friends father who worked in a saw mill bull dogging logs all day long. The mill were he used to work is still open but, Bruce Hardwoods in Bruce, MS is closed. Bruce Hardwood closing had nothing to do with liberals. If anything it had to do with your conservative friends outsourcing, union busting (Bruce HW was non union) and destroying this countries middle class. Too be honest, I am not a republican or democrat and don't really care for either party. I am independent in mind and politics. In addition, I am liberal as well as conservative on many things. I just don't understand how a hard working mill mans and other people get caught up in republican conservative politics. I guess that you believe that you still can make money like Mitt. As I stated in another post working hard and with your hands ain't going to get you Mitt type of money.
Not going to get into a pissing match with you leadsender, if you want to be a slave to the unions, knock yourself out. The only people making Mitt money is the union leadership. Free enterprise is about taking financial risk and making money on it. If you don't want to be a part of that don't work for them. I suppose you don't have a problem with entertainers and athletes making Mitt money.
Home Owner Shoots Home Invader

Detroit homeowner kills suspect during home invasion on Barbara Street

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i lived in detroit during the 60s and most of the 70s before i came to florida
it certainly has gone downhill since they got democrap mayors for sure but i think even if they had repub mayors it would have happened the same i think when the ford and chrysler moved out as well other business much loss of jobs were had and crime sharply increased i knew it was a lost cause when hudsons was demolished i was up visiting when that went down and go up every now and then was up there last year as well as i have family and friends up there still sad to see all those old well built homes and architectural beauties going to waste
it's sad how that city and many other large cities have fell due to corporations moving overseas and other corrupted political plays

still i hope the citizens there get their shyt together and bring their city back i would like to see the citizens tear down what can't be salvaged clean up the place and grow farms up there and edible trees like apples and feed themselves and perhaps export what they don't need