Deer Birth Control


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You read it right.

I'm just gonna bare my soul right here and let everyone know that at one time in my life I was an ardent environmentalist, vegetarian, hippie, tree-hugging, animal rights promoting liberal.

Oh wait. Maybe I still am.

Well, at any rate, I have moved from hugging trees to kissing them, because they are really hard and lumpy and they don't hug back. I still think anyone who makes an animal suffer deserves exactly the same fate. And occasionally I have to devour a really rare ribeye like a woman possessed.

OK, so things have changed a little.

But this has got to be the most ludicrous thing I have heard in many a year.

Maryland plans to inject deer with birth control, at the cost of $1,000 per injection, to help reduce overpopulation.

I don't care how friggin' tie-dyed and pie-eyed you are, that's just stupid.

There are people starving on our streets, and rather than, oh, say, FEED them with meat that is ten times healthier than that factory-farmed crap, we are going to give deer Depo-Provera.

Am I missing something here? Is this an area that is too overpopulated to allow firearm use? Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

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localgirl, glad you have joined the ranks of meat eaters, at least periodically. I saw this story a couple of days ago and had the same thought that it was the dumbest thing I'd heard in quite a while. I understand not using firearms to hunt in urban areas but there is a way around it. MO started their urban deer tag program. It allowed archery hunting in urban areas and focused on taking does out of the population. That way they brought money into the state wildlife department rather than wasting it on birth control. The article I read said the birth control only worked on 80% of the deer and about 50% of those could carry a pregnancy the next year without a booster. More problems thanks to Disney.
Wow! That's crazy! Deer Birth Control. By the time they tranquilize enough deer to supposedly make a difference...

I was an anti-gun Democrat 20 years ago, but not too many people believe me now when I tell them that!
You're making my guts hurt! Next you'll be saying we should tell the deer how when a stag and a doe really really love each other....
Sounds like the grand state of Maryland suffer from DAD Syndrome....Dumb-Ass-Disease. I'm sure some clear, level headed, PETA person came to this wonderful idea through hard work and many prescription and back door medications. Really $1,000.00 dollars ? Who in their right ever lovin', muffin eatin' mind could think this big smelly pile of horse crap up???? Make's me want to go to Maryland and help do some People population control starting with these Jack-Asses.
Hunt them out and give the meat away and the hides will make good bolsters. I wonder where PETA is Hiding? They must have gotten some Loot from the "Looters"!

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