D.C.: Heller gets his permit

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WASHINGTON — The man whose lawsuit overturned Washington's handgun ban has successfully registered his revolver, ending a more than 30-year wait to keep the weapon in his home.

Dick Heller walked out of D.C. police headquarters today, clutching a yellow firearms registration certificate stamped "approved." He gave the thumbs-up sign, grinned and said, "Victory!"

Heller was among the first people to seek a gun permit under new rules adopted after the Supreme Court struck down the city's 32-year-old handgun ban in June. Heller was the plaintiff in that case.

He won approval to keep a .22-caliber revolver at home after coming to police headquarters in July to be fingerprinted and take a firearms proficiency test. Police approved the weapon after completing a background check.
Wow a 22. Dont the police no it is not good for self defense. See other posts. I think it will work fine.I like bigger holes
Didn't he attempt to register a semi auto earlier, a 1911 if I'm not mistaken. Was that gun confiscated or did he have to keep it outside of D.C., or is he just illegally keeping it?
hmmm... well kinda would have thought he'd get a bigger caliber gun... congrats to him all the same. it's a good start
It's better than what he was able to have before.

That's true, but D.C. still has America's worst gun laws. Not saying that the Heller case was counterproductive in any way, but D.C. isn't really any closer to being gun owner friendly than it was before the ruling. I'm glad I live here and not there.
This was the part that left me scatching my head....

Heller registered a revolver with the District on July 18. He also sought to register a semiautomatic .45-caliber Colt handgun, but that application was denied because police considered it a machine gun, the suit alleges. The suit says Heller could have been arrested had he taken his semiautomatic, which he stores in Virginia, to be registered at D.C. police headquarter.
Heller registered a revolver with the District on July 18. He also sought to register a semiautomatic .45-caliber Colt handgun, but that application was denied because police considered it a machine gun, the suit alleges. The suit says Heller could have been arrested had he taken his semiautomatic, which he stores in Virginia, to be registered at D.C. police headquarter.

Thanks for the info. I had been wondering what happened with that.
Yeah and if I remember right, DC police consdider it a machine gun because it has "bottom fed magazines" and it is a semi-auto. The first time I heard this I could not stop laughing and I still can't. I've heard of twisting the rules, but give me a break. WOW!!!!

I'm just wondering how many more years and how many more lawsuits it will take to get D.C. to make D.C.'s gun laws "normal."
I'm still trying to figure out how the Govt. lets them get away with making up their own rules and interpretations.

Here's why. The first time D.C. implemented the gun ban, it took 32 years to get it overturned. With the latest new set of draconian measures, it will probably take just as long to get those overturned. And after the next set of laws gets passed, the cycle will continue. Most of us will probably not even live to see D.C. gun laws restored to normalcy.