
I received my Super Tuck in five days! I don't know if this is typical so we'll see. Good luck. pax
Super tuck was in the mail today.....5 Days!!! P220 disappeared in it. Im not a small guy so I was a little worried but with jeans and a tee shirt you cant see it unless you are looking very hard.

Will let you know after a couple of days what I think.
Congratulations! I hope it is just what you need. I will be looking forward to your assessment. pax
Mine took 2 weeks! But that was months ago. It's my ONLY concealable holster.

Does the XD hide well in it? I'm still trying to decide which gun and holster combo I will use for EDC...

I was thinking PF9 or Taurus PT-111 but I really like the XD quality. I'm curious about how comfortable and how much is exposed above the beltline...

I have been wearing my Crossbreed Holster for two days now and I have to say I’m very impressed. It seems to get more comfortable every day, some of it is me getting used to it and some is the break in of the holster. The turn around time was great, five days. I’m not sure how I feel about the combat cut, I should have taken the advice on the web site and not had it done until later but what’s done is done and I still love the holster. The best thing about it is it swallows my Sig P220. I have to admit I didn’t think it would work as well as it does on my six foot, two hundred twenty pound frame as it does.

Still waiting on the Pennsylvania license.
OK, I have been carrying for a couple of weeks now. It is a really comfortable holster. It is HUGE, but the size distributes the weight across a large area. I did not order the combat cut, and I'm glad I didn't. The leather protects my love handles against the metal of the weapon quite nicely. I give it an A+ for comfort and concealability.
Does the XD hide well in it? I'm still trying to decide which gun and holster combo I will use for EDC...

I was thinking PF9 or Taurus PT-111 but I really like the XD quality. I'm curious about how comfortable and how much is exposed above the beltline...


Sorry for the delayed response. If you haven't made your decision, check out my album:
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I have the service model with the full size grip and it is hidden very well. My CWP buddies have to ask if I'm carrying it. They carry compact guns and are amazed that I can carry my service XD without them knowing.
I carry an XD .45 Compact in a crossbreed, and LOVE IT. It hides very well, and extremely comfortable!