Cross Hand-Eye Dominance Sighting


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I'm right handed, left eye dominant. Currently I bring my gun up to center and slightly turn my head to use my left eye and close my right eye.
With cross dominance is there an advantage to shooting with both eyes open?

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I think so. It was hard to get used to at first, because I was having a hard time focusing on the front site. But I read somewhere to quickly blink your right eye and that will force the dominant eye to take over. I've been shooting more accurately since I started keeping both open. Try it and see how it works for you.
I'm right handed, left eye dominant. Currently I bring my gun up to center and slightly turn my head to use my left eye and close my right eye.
With cross dominance is there an advantage to shooting with both eyes open?

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Like you I am right handed but left eye dominant. I shoot a handgun right handed and both eyes open. When shooting a rifle or shotgun however I MUST shoot left handed. Been shooting this way for over fifty years and it's what works for me.
I am also right handed and left eye dominant. In fact, I cant even close my left eye by itself. I started shooting more seriously in the last few years and someone recommended since, I was really just starting, that I should shoot left handed instead. It really didn't take long at all and now it feels foreign to grab a gun with my right hand. I also ended up being a much better shot left handed. Typically, it is seen as a disadvantage to be a left handed shooter, but since I have switched, I have noticed many advantages. Such as, having dominant hand to fight with, push, stab, lift, carry something such as a child, open doors, etc.. Also, if carrying on my left side I don't have to fight with the seatbelt buckle when driving.
There are many more small advantages that I wont bore you with. My point is it didn't take a lot of work to switch over to shooting and carrying lefty. Smith & Wesson M&P's are also completely convertible to lefty. Also, except for the slide release Glock is also now convertible as well. The slide release usually is not suggested to be used in a defensive situation anyways. Good Luck!
With cross dominance is there an advantage to shooting with both eyes open?

Yes, there are advantages to shooting with both eyes open Pegleg.

1. Shooting with both eyes open is what one will most likely do during a lethal force confrontation. Due to the bodies natural reaction (called a "Sympathetic Nervous System response") to an externally induced high-stress events, the bodies natural tendency is to keep both eyes open in order to take in the maximum amount of visual information as possible. This reaction is so hardwired into us that it can't be overcome when the SNS kicks in, so learning how to be comfortable with both eyes open will not hurt one bit.

2. When shooting competitively (when the SNS is not activated because no one is trying to kill you, and where the stress is only self-induced), keeping both eyes open helps the eyes take in a more natural amount of light (thereby improving visual acuity and therefore increasing your accuracy) and can help reduce unnatural eye strain allowing you to shoot more comfortably longer. To see what happens to the eyes when one is closed, simply go to a mirror, and paying attention to the size of your pupils, cover one eye with a palm and watch what happens to the uncovered pupil.

I train using both sides of my body using both eyes to sight where appropriate and I have used Narrowback's advice to help me learn how to shoot with my support (non-dominate eye) quite successfully over the years.

Most of all, remember that whatever you do you need to keep a positive attitude, have some fun, and cut yourself some slack while you are learning.

Best of luck to you, and we would all love to hear back from you on how you are progressing.
I lost my dominant (right) eye a few years ago. I was having a tough time getting on target. Finally I bought a laser trainer for my 9 mm xds (4") and I riveted a luminous sign to my pole barn door. I adjusted both front and rear sights to my handicap and I have worked my way out to 65 yards. If I ever get attacked by a triangular headed terrorist, I can take him out at 65 yards. also works great for more realistic close in combat.

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I'm in the same boat and new at shooting. I tried to use both eyes and it felt like they were crossing. I couldn't focus on the front sight. Will try the tips (blink and lefty). If left eye dominant, and shooting one handed, is it better to try to center the gun and use the left eye (or both), or to try to close the left and force using the right eye?

I was concerned about having two different methods of viewing (left vs right only).
I'm right handed, left eye dominant. Currently I bring my gun up to center and slightly turn my head to use my left eye and close my right eye.
With cross dominance is there an advantage to shooting with both eyes open?

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
You should always have both eyes open regardless.

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