Confused about becoming an instructor.


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My wife and I live on 5.5 acres. We both have concealed carry permits and have had since they were first available here in Florida. We have a large pile of dirt out back with a large farm behind it that we use for a range. Friends come over and shoot quite often and there is always the discussion about someone's wife or even the husband getting a Carry permit.

My Wife wants me to become an instructor and help these folks learn about firearms and safety so I can get them the permit. I'm not sure that's something I really want to do. First there is the liability (which I already have by allowing others to shoot on my land) and then there is the confusion about what is required to become an instructor. I have read many discussions on different firearm forums and no two people seem to agree on just what is necessary. I have been all over the NRA's website (yes I am a member) and to be honest, it's damned confusing.

I guess I'm looking for a few opinions on what you would do in this situation and if you know what is required, I'm all ears.



Start by becoming an NRA certified pistol instuctor. It takes one weekend and allows you to teach NRA First Steps Pistol or Basic Pistol. Both great safety classes that teach the fundamentals. You can next move to NRA Personal Protection In The Home and then NRA Personal Protection Outside The Home. You can find NRA instuctor level courses close to you at Link Removed.

The NRA offers professional liability insurance to instructors. For about $325 per year you and your premises will be covered for $1million per incident and $2 million total.
Agree 100% with BC1
I would go the NRA "way," and sign up for a weekend course in basic pistol, and take it from there. These are great courses, and will give you a good platform to build on.

Good luck!
I completely agree that starting out with the NRA Basic Pistol Instructor course is Step #1. You probably already know a great deal about firearms, and may have a law enforcement or military background, but the instructor course isn't built to test your knowledge for certification purpose - the course helps to develop you as a new instructor. The first part of the course is a basic instruction on how to train others and how to present the basic curriculum for either pistol, rifle or shotgun (you'd probably select pistol to help others gain the basic knowledge they need to apply for a conceal permit). Check this class to find an instructor course in your area: Link Removed.

However, this is only the first step - the next step is to research and determine what the requirements are in your state to 1) apply for a permit and 2) qualify to train applicants.

Look at Concealed Weapons or Firearm Program - Division of Licensing, FDACS for details on Florida's requirements for the conceal carry weapon (CCW) process. According to Acceptable Training Documentation - Division of Licensing, FDACS, teaching someone the NRA First Steps Orientation or NRA Basic Pistol Shooting courses will qualify for the training requirement!

Do seriously consider the NRA instructor insurannce @ Link Removed.

(No - I don't work for NRA - I just think it is an effective way to start out as an instructor.)

Good luck,
Thanks guys for the helpful advice. I guess I was trying to get out of spending an otherwise lazy weekend in the classroom. I really am not that interested in becoming an instructor for any other reason than helping a few friends and family members obtain the conceal carry permit here in Florida. I didn't intend to charge anyone money, but did plan to give them a thorough understanding of gun safety.

So what you guys are saying is that I need those three courses in order to qualify as a certified instructor to sign someones permit application. Right?

The other part of the equation of not charging for the course (since it would almost always be a one on one course) is that these courses aren't free. There goes my mad money.
No, sir - sorry - you only need to register for and successfully complete the NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting Course. That course alone qualifies you to teach two different NRA handgun classes, and certificates from both classes can be used by lawful citizens to apply for a Florida conceal permit.

NRA FIRST Steps Pistol Orientation (4 hours)

Firearm Instruction, Responsibility, and Safety Training — is the NRA’s response to the American public’s need for a firearm orientation program for new purchasers. NRA FIRST Steps Pistol is designed to provide a hands-on introduction to the safe handling and proper orientation to one specific pistol action type for classes of four or fewer students. This course is includes classroom and range time learning to shoot a specific pistol action type. Students will learn the NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; the particular pistol model parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development.

NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course (8 Hours)

Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol safely. This course includes classroom and range time learning to shoot revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest position, and two handed standing positions; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development.
Thanks guys for the helpful advice. I guess I was trying to get out of spending an otherwise lazy weekend in the classroom. I really am not that interested in becoming an instructor for any other reason than helping a few friends and family members obtain the conceal carry permit here in Florida. I didn't intend to charge anyone money, but did plan to give them a thorough understanding of gun safety.

So what you guys are saying is that I need those three courses in order to qualify as a certified instructor to sign someones permit application. Right?

The other part of the equation of not charging for the course (since it would almost always be a one on one course) is that these courses aren't free. There goes my mad money.
No, it's actually a great revenue source. For example, we charge $300 for the basic and advanced personal protection outside the home class, which is fourteen hours (Saturday & Sunday). We're generally full at 25 students... that's $7,500. But even 10 students is a good weekend take. I can pay two assistant instructors, range use fees and advertising leaving thousands for two days work... usually cash. Try that once per month and you have a significant income for each month. Well worth a few weekends and $1,000 in training tuition/fees.
To add, for florida...any prior training by/for Military, Law Enforcement (and most Armed Security Certifications) will meet the same requirements as NRA Basic Pistol. You just need to provide proper documentations
No, sir - sorry - you only need to register for and successfully complete the NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting Course. That course alone qualifies you to teach two different NRA handgun classes, and certificates from both classes can be used by lawful citizens to apply for a Florida conceal permit.
Thanks Joe, that clears it up a lot.

No, it's actually a great revenue source. For example, we charge $300 for the basic and advanced personal protection in the home class, which is fourteen hours (Saturday & Sunday). We're generally full at 25 students... that's $7,500.

Thanks BC1, I had no idea. Although, I'm really not that enthused about becoming a teacher, although the money is pretty tempting.

To add, for florida...any prior training by/for Military, Law Enforcement (and most Armed Security Certifications) will meet the same requirements as NRA Basic Pistol. You just need to provide proper documentations

Are you saying that I can give the conceal carry course by submitting my DD-214 or do you mean that I can attain the carry permit by having had Military experience. That's how I got my carry permit initially.
Thanks Joe, that clears it up a lot.

Thanks BC1, I had no idea. Although, I'm really not that enthused about becoming a teacher, although the money is pretty tempting.

Are you saying that I can give the conceal carry course by submitting my DD-214 or do you mean that I can attain the carry permit by having had Military experience. That's how I got my carry permit initially.

The DD-214 is ONLY used in place of the NRA certificate to get your concealed carry permit in FLA.

The DD-214 DOES NOT allow you to teach as a NRA certified instructor.
The DD-214 DOES NOT allow you to teach as a NRA certified instructor.
I thought that would be too easy. So what class/classes does one need in Florida to become an instructor qualified to teach Conceal Carry classes?
I tried to respond to this post earlier but for some reason my response wasn't saved.

The NRA way is the only way you can go unless you have a FDLE Firearms Instructors Certification, K-Licensed Instructor, etc. and the NRA certified pistol instructor's course is all that is required in the state of FL to certify someone for their concealed weapons permit. You can go to and look for a training counselor near you to set one of these courses up. BEWARE of being over charged and it happens all the time, the NRA does not regulate what the training counselors can charge so I would talk to a few different ones.

Once you receive your NRA credentials you can either teach the NRA curriculum or you can teach your own. There is no regulation in the state of Florida for firearms curriculum and as long as your certified as specified in FL STATUE 790.06 Section H Sub Section 3
"3. Completion of any firearms safety or training course or class available to the general public offered by a law enforcement, junior college, college, or private or public institution or organization or firearms training school, utilizing instructors certified by the National Rifle Association, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission, or the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; "

You can teach any type of curriculum you want to as long as the student loads and discharges the firearm in front of the instructor. Failure to do so can be charged as fraud.

As far as your property to be used as a range, I would check with your county. Because you are receiving money for the firearms course and then in turn using your property to qualify them it could be considered use as a "Commercial Firing Range Or Facility". You should be zoned agriculter A1, in this case you may have to apply for a special use permit to comply with your county sound oridinance. Again, check with your county before you go to the trouble because it may not be required. I would definatley carry liability insurance and make your students sign a "Liability Waiver" and you can have your lawyer draw one of these up for you.

While you are taking your NRA Pistol Instructor's Course you really should take the "Range Safety Officer" course as well. Its absolutely a solid program and very useful if you plan to have a firing range on your property.

I am a huge supporter of the NRA but I do not teach their curriculum, its too politically filtered and dated. BUT its contents are tested fact, so if you teach your own course I would really suggest to make absolutely sure you know what you are talking about. The big problem with a lot of firearms instructors who teach their own "curriculum" is that they teaching urban myths and television b.s.

I hope this helps you out. If you need any more information please feel free to contact me at any time I would be more than happy to help you out.
Thanks Brian,

I think I'll pursue it further. Getting the credentials should be painless except for the fees, and I could probably re-coop that at a later date. Is the NRA website a good place to find a few local instructors?
Thanks Brian,

I think I'll pursue it further. Getting the credentials should be painless except for the fees, and I could probably re-coop that at a later date. Is the NRA website a good place to find a few local instructors?

You can find a training counselor in your area through the NRA website. You might try contacting your local gun store they may know of someone. If you are in south florida there is a really good instructor by the name of Jim Hayes, he works out of a local gun club in the Orlando area, if you would like I could get his number to you. Even at that, I would still try to find 2 or 3 different prices just to be on the safe side.

Being a firearms instructor is a lot of fun, you have a chance to promote gun safety and responsibilty. If you are really into firearms you will enjoy it.
I picked out one down south of me. I'm going to give him a call later and see what he has to offer. I avoid Orlando like the plague. It means having to drive on I-4 which is death row as far as I'm concerned. Too many people headed to Disney.

What would GOA have to offer?
One point to add regarding the NRA training (and it was mentioned earlier in the discussion). You have to take the NRA BIT (basic instructor course) first prior to taking any of the discipline courses (handgun, rifle, shotgun, etc.). So in fact you will have a minimum of two coursed to take to get started.

Personally I would recommend taking as many disciplines up front as you can manage. This way if someone wants a basic rifle course you are already qualified to teach it.

Good luck in pursuing this adventure.
OK, guys, you got me through it. I took Basic Pistol and the Instructor course. I even passed both of them,
how about that?

Now all I have to do is wait for the certification so I can order packets. I was told it will take two months. That's a long time. Especially since I already have about 15 people wanting to take the class. Anybody know if it actually takes two months?
the 2 month window is for your certificate and card to come in the mail. If you go to:
Link Removed and click on the Instructor login tab and try to login in.
I would do the register now option, and if your in the system (which is usually the case as
it happened to me and many others I know), then you can login and order your materials.
If not I would check back every few days, but it does take about a month to get in the system.
Also in the interim, you should be able toget the materials from your Training Counselor..
Thanks Diver,

I followed your Link and I was already in the system, so I hooked up and will order materials later today. I
took the course on the 6th of August, so maybe they are getting caught up.

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