Okay I too agree it’s probably not the best idea to carry in a handbag. However those of us girls who live in states like mine (TX) knows how hard that can be to carry on your body in the extremely hot and humid temperatures we have down here in more than half of the year. I have found it very difficult to find a really good in waist band, Center back holster that would conceal it during the summer months when I’m wearing shorts or a skirt. Not to mention what about if you are in the professional business world and often wear dresses? I bought a leg band holster a few years ago but still not super comfortable wearing it because it’s made almost entirely of elastic and nothing else. So it didn’t give me the warm and fuzzies wearing it. Now when I do carry my S&W Bodyguard w/integrated green laser, I almost exclusively buy Coach handbags. Now maybe I’m somewhat of a “handbag snob” because it’s almost all I will carry my stuff in. However I have found that their handbags always have one inside zippered pocket. Some also have an external pocket with a magnetic closure which makes it just as easy to access for me as when I carry on my body. It’s quick and easy. When I keep it in an inside zipper that is the ONLY thing I keep in that pocket by itself! I keep it unzipped for easier access and never set my bag down whenever I’m away from my home. I’m always very aware of my gun being in my handbag. It’s no different than how most people don’t typically lose things like their drivers license, wallets, employee badges/ID’s, etc.
Of course this has just been my experience and feel very confident in my ability to get to my gun just as quickly as if I were wearing it. My personal favorite Coach bags are the Coach Carryall’s. Macy’s almost always had great sales on them and there are many outlet malls which also have great deals. However if you go to Coach.com they too have some awesome deals. Not to mention if you have a birthday coming up or an gift exchange holiday coming up, there’s tour excuse for a new Coach Handbag....lol.
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