I've got a buddy working on his pistol license application for Chemung County. According to the clerk who gave him the application packet, the judge does issue licenses with no restrictions. Sometimes.
Her recommendation was to write a letter to the issuing officer explaining why no restrictions are "warranted". If the judge doesn't give him full carry priveleges, he would likely restrct his license to "hunting/target only".
While I find this whole process to be appaling, does anyone know what the honorable judge in Chemung county considers good reason to issue a carry license?
Thank you.
Her recommendation was to write a letter to the issuing officer explaining why no restrictions are "warranted". If the judge doesn't give him full carry priveleges, he would likely restrct his license to "hunting/target only".
While I find this whole process to be appaling, does anyone know what the honorable judge in Chemung county considers good reason to issue a carry license?
Thank you.