Can't we all coexist?


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The question asked is, "Can't we all co-exist?" The thruthful, factual answer is "NO". It has never worked in the history of humans. People have disagreed since the begining of time. Adam disagreed with Eve about eating the forbidden fruit at first. We all know where that led.
In order for all to get along, that would mean that everyone would have to give up their rights and freedom and do what some one else says. Wait a minute......That's what the Left wants us to do. Give up your guns, give up you freedom of speech, give up your money to thoughs who won't work for it, an so on. Socialist Bastards!
The Left, Libs or whoever else you want insert there want the Right, Conservatives, the Tea Party, NRA member to agree with them. We are the ones who are suppose to compromise with them. When they don't compromise the leftists are standing on their principles! But when we stand on our principles, we are racists, bigots, homophobes and every other name they can call us!

The election this November is VERY critical!! If the lib-o-rats get the House and the keep the Senate obummer will and can do WHATEVER he wants. There will be no way to stop him!!! Everything we have seen so far will look like a picnic compared to what obummer will do in the last 2 years. It would not surprise me if he made himself president for life or some other such title. Please do not say that the US Constitution would prevent obummer from doing that. So far that has not stopped obummer or any of the lib-o-rats!!!

So everyone PLEASE vote even if you do not like the morons on the ticket. Vote for the most Conservative and Gun Rights candidate! If we do not do this we could lose all our rights!!!
I will coexist until someone tramples on my rights. Then I will take them back.

If more people did this, we would be a much more peaceful nation. More well-armed, but more peaceful.

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