Cabarrus County purchase permit -- References?!?


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I'd hoped to apply for my permit earlier in the year, but life definitely got in the way. Getting set to go in this week, and it looks like Cabarrus County requires 3 references on the application? What? I've looked at several other counties web sites, and can't see any of them requiring this. (Cabarrus has also taken down their online application, while other counties still have theirs up.) This seems a bit strange. Any insight?


G.S. 14-404

§ 14-404. Issuance or refusal of permit; appeal from refusal; grounds for refusal; sheriff's fee.

(a) Upon application, the sheriff shall issue the permit to a resident of that county, unless the purpose of the permit is for collecting, in which case a sheriff can issue a permit to a nonresident, when the sheriff has done all of the following:

(1) Verified, before the issuance of a permit, by a criminal history background investigation that it is not a violation of State or federal law for the applicant to purchase, transfer, receive, or possess a handgun. The sheriff shall determine the criminal and background history of any applicant by accessing computerized criminal history records as maintained by the State Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, by conducting a national criminal history records check, by conducting a check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), and by conducting a criminal history check through the Administrative Office of the Courts.

(2) Fully satisfied himself or herself by affidavits, oral evidence, or otherwise, as to the good moral character of the applicant.

(3) Fully satisfied himself or herself that the applicant desires the possession of the weapon mentioned for (i) the protection of the home, business, person, family or property, (ii) target shooting, (iii) collecting, or (iv) hunting.

I don't see anything in NC statute that specifies an application for a purchase permit that any particular sheriff must use. Apparently your sheriff feels that they need three references to meet condition (2) above.

If I lived in NC, I would probably get the Concealed Handgun Permit and be done with it for 5 years at a time.
If I lived in NC, I would probably get the Concealed Handgun Permit and be done with it for 5 years at a time.

Ah, yes...this prompted me to look and see that the law has changed since I first looked in to this earlier in the year. That definitely looks the better route. Thanks.
Ah, yes...this prompted me to look and see that the law has changed since I first looked in to this earlier in the year. That definitely looks the better route. Thanks.

Wow are you screwed if you ever called the sheriff an as shole

I would say I'm glad I live in Washington and not North Carolina but the way things are going in WA with the new law the libtards just voted for, I'm not so sure anymore.

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