britains gun laws are helping to keep it's citizens safe....


New member
NOT !!...the fools that believe wackos like piers morgan always resort to using great britain and australia as prime examples of how well making guns illegal to own works .... if only people would do a little research and not be a lemming

BBC NEWS | Health | Doctors' kitchen knives ban call


Seen this video before and makes me ill watching it. All the historical weapons being crushed is heart breaking.
One thing none of the "anti-gun" countries has is a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. We are the ONLY country where the citizen has government recognized power. Any IDIOT that wants to give that away or take that away needs to be tried as a traitor.
The "need" argument is so old and inconsistently applied it's pathetic. It boggles my mind that it needs explaining to the masses.
One thing none of the "anti-gun" countries has is a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. We are the ONLY country where the citizen has government recognized power. Any IDIOT that wants to give that away or take that away needs to be tried as a traitor.

We need to teach our children the values passed on from our ancestors. If we do not, the enemy will teach them theirs and our children will be enslaved by our neglect. The battle will never be won; however, if we slack it can very easily be lost.
Most of Europe, including the UK, has a huge, unasimilated, unhappy, and in many cases a violent Muslim population. There have already been many incidents of ethnic violence. How are the people of England and Europe going to protect themselves when civilization disintegrates and ethnic violence spirals out of control? This disintegration of society will happen and is only a matter of time and a triggering situation.

I am of English heritage and hate to witness the deterioration of ancient and once vital culture. But since WW2 the decline has been steady and inevitable as result of progressive policies and indoctrination. Progressives in this country have placed us on the same disastrous course. Not just Europe, but all of western culture will collapse with the advance of barbaric but vital eastern cultures. Can it he stopped? Possibly; but the progressives have turned many in this country into dependent, ignorant, and complacent sheep. We are no longer the vital, ambitious, and hard working risk takers, explorers, and entrepreneurs that built this country. We are simply exploiting and depleting the wealth and abundance produced by past generations and the still vital but small minority.

It going to take people with the courage protect themselves and others in order to survive as a society. It will take those who are resolute, courageous, independent, and moral in order to survive the future which the progressives are creating for us. In other words, those with the qualities of our predecessors will be the survivors who will rebuild.
Sharpton is also calling for knives to be banned here in the US.

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I must agree with Rush Limbaugh when he said that blaming the gun for a shooting is like blaming the rope at a lynching!!!!!!!!

But that does not fit the rabid lib-o-rat agenda!
dumb and dumber.... they keep trying to point to all these "civilized" nations that have seen the light and banned guns..... too bad they don't tell everyone what has REALLY happened since they enacted these bans..but of course they never will....
Sharpton is also calling for knives to be banned here in the US.

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