Brian Aitken Freed Tonight!

Merry Christmas Brian Aitken!

Hmmm, elect a Republican Governor, right some constitutional wrongs. There really is a difference! Go Christie!
Governor Chris Christie is the best thing to happen to New Jersey in a long time. Of course a man falsely imprisoned would also agree. Glad Brian is out for Christmas and forever also.

Three cheers for Christie.
As I recall, Christie is a long time gun-grabber who only spoke the party line to get elected.


I think you are right. Christie seems to be doing the right thing as far as NJ's problems. Making tough decisions and taking action. Let's hope that as he is doing these conservative actions and seeing how much it is apreciated maybe he will leaen to protect the 2A and peoples rights. He needs to pardon this guy so he does not have a record and he can then rejoin the ranks of us that believe we have an obligation and a right to protect ourselves without being victims of ambiguous laws and whims of less knowledgeable LEO"s I have to edit this because I absolutely do not believe all LEO's are ignorant of gun laws and do not appreciate the 2A. There are just enough out there that do not care and will put us in legay jeopardy.

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