Best Home Security System (Funny)


Liberty or Death

1. Go to the Goodwill Store and buy a pair of men's work boots, size 14-16 (well used).

2. Place them on the front porch along with a copy of Gun and Ammo magazine.

3. Put a couple of BIG dog dishes next to the boots and magazine.

4. Leave a note on your door that reads:

Hey Bubba!
Big Jim, Duke, Slim and Me gone for more ammo. We'll get back in about 1 hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls--they got after the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it, but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all the dogs in the house.

Better just wait outside til we get back.

-Billy Bob
LOL I like that, pretty funny! I'm sure that will make some people think twice, maybe do the same for the back porch and you will be set! lol :laugh:

1. Go to the Goodwill Store and buy a pair of men's work boots, size 14-16 (well used).

2. Place them on the front porch along with a copy of Gun and Ammo magazine.

3. Put a couple of BIG dog dishes next to the boots and magazine.

4. Leave a note on your door that reads:

Hey Bubba!
Big Jim, Duke, Slim and Me gone for more ammo. We'll get back in about 1 hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls--they got after the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it, but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all the dogs in the house.

Better just wait outside til we get back.

-Billy Bob

Actually other than some of the words about blood and the ammo comment, that is just about what is in the course content of Personal Protection in the Home and Refuse To Be A Victim classes of the NRA. Item 1-3 is almost right out of the book. (the note is a nice touch though)
I already have an old pair of my size 17 work boots sitting by my front door. Now I just need a magazine, dog dishes and a note and I'm set.
that's pretty good. I'd like to see that tested in a house where no one lives just to see what would happen.
Home defense

I knew a guy in Ft Lauderdale (early 70's) who lived in a neighborhood where they were experiencing home invasions. Rather than purchase the burgular alarms he simply placed a note on his front door stating:
DON"T GO IN THE HOUSE!! The terrarium fell over and the rattlesnakes are loose! I've gone for help, be right back.

It must have worked because the whole time I knew him his house was never burgularized.