AutoZone Fires Employee That Stops Armed Robber with His Own Gun

I recently quit my job at AutoZone. This story demonstrates one of the reasons why I quit. They just don't seem to care about their employees. I heard about several robberies at other AutoZones that usually happened around closing time. We have also had several robberies lately in my area. Therefore, whenever I worked a closing shift, I would carry my concealed carry handgun (I do have my CPL). I think the guy in the story put it very well, “If I can save somebody’s life, I put that way above a store policy, says McClean." I would be glad to lose my job if it meant saving my or someone elses life.
I never did buy things from them. Their gunbuster sign said FU pretty loud and clear so I took my money elsewhere.
Shouldn't this be in the "Businesses AGAINST...." section?

My shadow will not cross an Autozone threshold ever again. Of course, once the same thing happens in a Checker, a NAPA, an O'Reilly... where will I get parts?

Welcome to corporate America, where workers are just a resource. Really, when did the Personnel departments become Human Resources departments? That should have told you something.
This is just another case of dirt bag criminals that have nothing to lose vs. hard working citizens that have everything to lose. I work for a major retailer and the same would happen to me if I did what he did. I hope he finds work soon- hopefully with a competitor.
Sometimes you may have to go to Autozone for parts, so as I have said several time keep your gun concealed, your mouth shut get your parts and leave, anf if anybody thinks for even a split second that the autozone brass gives a crap if you come into there stores or not you are most likely wrong, and for the record if I had worked there my gun would have been in my pocket already, and they could stuff there policy
I know all the posters here are well meening but if any of you think the AutoZone brass gives a rats *** what you think of there policy your wrong.......and I was just woundering what managment would have done if the counter guy grabbed a water pump from the shelf and pitched it at the guy and he got a good hit, takeing half his skull off ??????
I live in VA and our pro gun org VCDL is organizing some "get together s" at both the store this happened at, as well as the home store of the POS District Manager that made the call to fire him. I will be there.
You would think that the AutoZone that the employee stopped the robbery would be great full that no one was hurt and that nothing was stolen. I'm all for the employee way to go man
With that being said I have been looking for a new employer. I stopped at a trucking agency today and filled out their app and as I was doing so I asked the owner where he stood on the Second and he said no guns on his property and no guns in his trucks needless to say if he calls for me to drive for him I will turn him down.

Never ask. They have no right to deny you the means to protect yourself. If you don't ask, it's a non-issue. If you are attacked, you will likely be prepared, win and be fired. You can then sue. Your testimony can be "I was impressed with the manager's character and was justified in the assumption that he would want me to be able to protect myself. No attempt was made by management to inform me of a no-guns policy." You can also get unemployment comp if the firing is unjustified. You pay for it with your taxes, why jeopardize your right to collect it?
They have no right to deny you the means to protect yourself.

Actually, they do. Businesses don't not have to allow you to carry. In the case of trucks, that would be the same legally as in the office. BUT I agree with never asking. Signs & Company policy are not law in my state so I could care less. But it's not that way everywhere.