AR build project


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Hi all, so a gun group I follow on Facebook has set up a reduced rate on an AR15 kit with everything included except the lower receiver, I was just wondering how realistic it is for someone with little to no experience building or repairing firearms to put one together?
It is very simple to do. I am working on my first build now. I decided to put everything together piece by piece. That way you learn what is in the gun and how the parts work together. You can learn a lot by watching videos online.

Links that are helpful for the build.

Lowers are easier. Best bang for the book IMO is a delton rifle build kit from midwayusa or PSA palmetto has lots of build kits and upper options
I just built my first AR, and it wasn't too difficult, provided that you have the proper tools. I would suggest reading from several online sources, and watch as many videos as you can. Yes, some of the tools are a little expensive, but they often can make a tough job a whole lot easier and/or prevent you from making a mess of your nice new upper or lower.
Make sure you get a clamp style upper vise hold tool instead of the type that just uses the pivot and take down pin holes to hold the upper in a vise. Also invest in a good set of punches that has started punches for roll pins. I had a heck of a time driving my forward assist pin in using the upper vise bar and a regular punch. I had to add a little touchup paint to cover up some of the scratches. Next time, I will have a starter punch and a clam shell type vise tool.
Very easy to build but as others have said get the right tools, do your research (You Tube) and take your time.

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