Anyone in TN please help


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This would really be great if we can get it passed

Important Right-to-Carry Reform Moving Through Tennessee Senate!
Please Contact Your State Senator Today! Tuesday, January 8 was the first day of the 2008 legislative session and the State Senate Judiciary Committee wasted no time in considering pro-gun legislation. The Senate Judiciary Committee passed Link Removed, authored by State Senator Doug Jackson (D-25), by an 8-1 vote. SB23 allows a person who has a valid Right-to-Carry permit to carry a firearm in a place where alcohol is served, as long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions.

This bill will now head to the Senate Calendar Committee where it will be assigned a date to be heard by the full Senate. Please contact your State Senator toll-free today at (800) 449-8366 and respectfully urge him or her to support this important piece of self-defense legislation.To identify your State Senator, please visit Link Removed.
Any attempt at correspondence on my part is a waste of time....I have the most WONDERFUL representation in the form of Ophelia "Please pass the whiskey, I have 'anemia', whachusay ain't hittin on nertin wurf Senator" Ford. I'll call Sen. Jackson's office, express my gratitude, and ask him to stand up for me, since Ophelia won't. Thanks for the phone
It appears to have made it through the senate.

FOLLOW UP: TN Senate approves bill allowing guns where alcohol served

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 - 05:19 PM

Link RemovedEmail to a Friend Link Removed

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A person with a handgun permit could carry the weapon in an establishment that serves alcohol under a bill passed by the Senate.
The measure sponsored by Sen. Doug Jackson passed 24-6 Wednesday.
The Dickson Democrat says the legislation would not apply if the owner of the premises has banned weapons from being brought inside and posted a notice informing people of the ban.
The gun owner also wouldn't be allowed to consume alcohol while in the establishment.
Sen. Rosalind Kurita was among those who voted against the measure. The Clarksville Democrat says liquor and guns just don't mix.
The companion to the bill remains in a House subcommittee.
Read the full text of SB0023 on the General Assembly's Web site at:

(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Yep..passed the senate. The real battle will be in the house. It scheduled to be heard in the Criminal Practice sub-committee first. So get in touch with your state Rep and ask them to support HB0702!!
I've emailed and called mine, but have yet to hear back. I doubt I'll hear anything, though. Both of my representatives like to pander to the uber-liberal black majority in Memphis. I'll keep pestering, though.
Here's my email, with a follow-up response from Rep. Cooper (D-Memphis). Note how she dances the issue, but has thinly veiled her lack of intention of supporting this bill. Notice how I don't have RIGHTS, but "rights." Gotta love the left.

Ms. Cooper:

I understand that the TN Senate has recently passed SB0023, a bill allowing Handgun Permit holders to carry in restaurants serving alcohol, provided that they are not imbibing, themselves.

As a constituent of your District 86, I am asking for your support in helping pass HB0702, the counterpart of the recently passed Senate bill. It is my belief that as a law-abiding gun owner, I alone am responsible for my protection. Current laws, as they are written, can be extremely cumbersome, as well as dangerous to the general gun-carrying public. As was highlighted earlier this month (Knoxville Hooters restaurant), criminals disregard all laws related to handguns, while law abiding citizens, such as myself, are left helpless. I’m asking that you help give back to the citizens of TN their God-given right to self preservation, taken away by well-meaning, but misguided laws that rescind our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

I look forward to hearing your position regarding this matter, and I wish you well in this upcoming legislative session.

Thank you for all you do,


Her response:

Thanks for your correspondence regarding your right to hear arms.
I am aware of the serious crime wave sweeping the city, county and nation and the illegal use of guns.
As your representative, I will consider your "rights" to protect yourself at all times. I agree that law abiding citizens are responsible and can be trusted to only use deadly force in case of life threatening situations.
I support justice for everyone and I will examine the proposed legislation to ascertain whether the bill provides protection for everyone where alcoholic beverages are sold.
It is always pleasing to hear from constituents to assist with decision making.
Her response:

Thanks for your correspondence regarding your right to hear arms.
I am aware of the serious crime wave sweeping the city, county and nation and the illegal use of guns.
As your representative, I will consider your "rights" to protect yourself at all times. I agree that law abiding citizens are responsible and can be trusted to only use deadly force in case of life threatening situations.
I support justice for everyone and I will examine the proposed legislation to ascertain whether the bill provides protection for everyone where alcoholic beverages are sold.
It is always pleasing to hear from constituents to assist with decision making.

Pretty good line of bull, without telling you for sure one way or the other how she would vote. But there is hope there.
Looks like I had a little better luck. Here is my response from my earlier email (I just sent it a few hours ago).

I could not agree with you more! I have been in support of this legislation ever since I was elected and will do everything I can to see it passed.
Thank you,
Eric S
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