New member
So I was at the range today and my buddy pulled out a .38 Colt Diamondback. Pretty nice revolver if I may say so. Anyway...I shot the thing 18 times and only hit the 8" target 3 times at 25 yards
It's not the gun because my friend shot it really well.
Now I am no sharpshooter, but I don't have that kind of problem with any other gun short of a .44mag or the S&W 500. Those two are simply due to fear! We had a few contests today as well with .40 and 9mm where we imagine situations (Guy in a mall is shooting people, he's the top left 8" target) and speed draw and fire 10 as quickly and accurately as possible. I am pretty good for 7-8 within 8" at 25 yards shooting pretty quickly.
Anyone else have one gun they just can't shoot?

Now I am no sharpshooter, but I don't have that kind of problem with any other gun short of a .44mag or the S&W 500. Those two are simply due to fear! We had a few contests today as well with .40 and 9mm where we imagine situations (Guy in a mall is shooting people, he's the top left 8" target) and speed draw and fire 10 as quickly and accurately as possible. I am pretty good for 7-8 within 8" at 25 yards shooting pretty quickly.
Anyone else have one gun they just can't shoot?