Anyone else can't shoot a particular gun?


New member
So I was at the range today and my buddy pulled out a .38 Colt Diamondback. Pretty nice revolver if I may say so. Anyway...I shot the thing 18 times and only hit the 8" target 3 times at 25 yards :eek: It's not the gun because my friend shot it really well.

Now I am no sharpshooter, but I don't have that kind of problem with any other gun short of a .44mag or the S&W 500. Those two are simply due to fear! We had a few contests today as well with .40 and 9mm where we imagine situations (Guy in a mall is shooting people, he's the top left 8" target) and speed draw and fire 10 as quickly and accurately as possible. I am pretty good for 7-8 within 8" at 25 yards shooting pretty quickly.

Anyone else have one gun they just can't shoot?
The CZ82 9x18 has a sharp edge at the back of the tang that skins my thumb until it's sore. Too bad, I like the gun otherwise.

Also, I'd love to have a p229 but the grips are too big for my hands - it just slips and squirms after every shot.
For me it's 30.06s and 308s. I do alright when shooting at deer but I flinch something terrible when shooting paper.
Yeh, my wifes...

My wife has a Kahr P9 which I cannot shoot. (not that she won't let me :)). Actually, I get a FTFire about 75% of the time on one of the last rounds. Gun goes into full battery but the hammer isn't cocked. I've had a dozen other people fire this gun with no problems but can't figure it out for me. Tried every thing I could think of but no go, soooo I just stick with my K40.
I bought my wife a S&W model 64 .38 special with a 3" barrel to introduce her to pistol shooting. I figured a revolver would be a good starter gun because it's easy to use. Well this was a very nice gun as most Smiths are. It had the best trigger I have ever used on a handgun. Trouble was neither of us could hit a paper plate at 15 yds with it. Not good to build confidence in the wife about her new gun.

I send it back to Smith to look at. We got it back after a barrel adjustment and we still couldn't hit a target with it. So we sold it and got her a Bersa Thunder .380 to replace it. Now everything is good, she can hit the target and she has gotten over her fobia of racking a slide on an auto.

So I was at the range today and my buddy pulled out a .38 Colt Diamondback. Pretty nice revolver if I may say so. Anyway...I shot the thing 18 times and only hit the 8" target 3 times at 25 yards :eek: It's not the gun because my friend shot it really well.

Now I am no sharpshooter, but I don't have that kind of problem with any other gun short of a .44mag or the S&W 500. Those two are simply due to fear! We had a few contests today as well with .40 and 9mm where we imagine situations (Guy in a mall is shooting people, he's the top left 8" target) and speed draw and fire 10 as quickly and accurately as possible. I am pretty good for 7-8 within 8" at 25 yards shooting pretty quickly.

Anyone else have one gun they just can't shoot?


My older brother taught me to shoot, when I was a kid. (He is 20 years older than me) He is a good shot, but he can't shoot my 1911, or any 1911 for that matter. He couldn't shoot them when he was in the service during the Korean War, and he can't shoot them now. I have let him shoot mine a couple of times and he admitted it to me, as an explanation for his poor shooting with my gun.

His Ruger 9mm he shoots just fine, but not a 1911 .45.

There are a lot of guns that I don't like to shoot, but can, like any Block, I mean Glock, but my friend has a new high dollar Browning, auto 12 gauge, and I can't hit with it for beans. :eek:

The first time I shot clays, I hit 16 in a row before my first miss, and I have not gotten worse over the years, but I couldn't hit with his Browning. I could not get a good sight down the barrel. Go Figure.

I had a Taurus PT25 once that I couldn't shoot worth a d**n... I don't think it was my fault though.

It was given to me, and I gave it back.
I've shot a .357 snubbie from about 10' and missed all 6 times. I'm a pretty good shot, I must add. No expert, by any means, but I hit the silhouette @ 50' every time I pull the trigger. You could imagine my consternation that I missed 6 shots in a row only at 10'.
Glock 26 - hundreds of rounds and never could get better than about a 7 inch group at 10 yards. My sister (who, as far as I know, has never shot a pistol before) thought it was "cute" and wanted to try it out. Of course, she rips off about a 2.5 inch group her first time, so I guess it wasn't the pistol. I offered to sell it to her, but she declined. So I sold it and bought a S&W 642.
Lucky for me.... I haven't found anything that I can't shoot. Of course, there are some that I don't shoot as well as others, but all in all I can keep almost anything in center mass. :D

I guess i fall into the same catagory.I haven`t shot one yet that i didn`t like.not that i have shot hundreds of different guns,but i`ve shot my fair share.Kinda like food.Haven`t met much i don`t get along with.:D
I find the Beretta 92 hard to shoot well. Some years bacl I went shooting with a friend who had one. I could hit with it, but it required great mental effort and concentration. Had colt Buntline .22 revolver I couldn't hit anything with, and another that I could shoot like a carbine. I used a borrowed Glock that had a stoppage at least every other magazine for me, but has never failed for its owner. I don't limp wrist an auto. My Steyr S9 has been through hundreds of rounds for me without a failure of any kind. Go figure.
My bugaboo was the Kel-Tec P3AT. Couldn't hit a barn with it from inside the barn.

In fairness to the gun I had just gotten in to serious gun shooting and it was my 1st mouse gun purchase. After a few weeks of practice I got to where I could hit a barn (If it were a very large barn. :rolleyes: I went to a Kahr PM 9 and do much better with it. It's not quite a pocket pistol unless I wear cargo pants but conceals very well in an IWB holster.

Now I have several months of twice a week practice and my shooting has improve tremendously with the Kahr, My XD 9 and my 1911 .45.

Maybe it's time to give the Kel-Tec another chance.
My bugaboo was the Kel-Tec P3AT. Couldn't hit a barn with it from inside the barn.

In fairness to the gun I had just gotten in to serious gun shooting and it was my 1st mouse gun purchase. After a few weeks of practice I got to where I could hit a barn (If it were a very large barn. :rolleyes: I went to a Kahr PM 9 and do much better with it. It's not quite a pocket pistol unless I wear cargo pants but conceals very well in an IWB holster.

Now I have several months of twice a week practice and my shooting has improve tremendously with the Kahr, My XD 9 and my 1911 .45.

Maybe it's time to give the Kel-Tec another chance.

I found the more I aimed my P32 and P3AT the worse I shot. But I started just picking it up, 'pointing' and shooting and I started doing better (like everything staying inside 8" at 21' to 30'. That's how I practice now, I 'look over the sights' and concentrate on the target. For close range reaction shooting it seems to work well for me. Good luck w/ yours :)

PS, many new KT shooters ,especially P3AT , seem to have FTE troubles. Most of these can be attributed to limp wristing. This has nothing to to w/ how big-a boy ya are or how macho. It has to do with locking your wrist. These light weight guns need a stable platform (a locked wrist ) to operate properly.

The only handgun I ever had trouble with was the Redhawk .44 mag. The stock handle would not work w/ my hand size and back in those days there wasn't much in after market options out there. Guess I need to try one again w/ the over-sized grips.
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Those old ruger grips did not work in my hands either. The Keltec's do ok as long as I don't shoot to many hot rounds. Broken bones in the wrist or corpol tunnel don't help .A friend smashed his hand 5 years ago and still can't fire gloch 17 without cycle problems.
to kwo51

Yes, I've had it happen in both slow and rapid fire. Interesting in that my carry weapon is a K40, so same mechanics. Never, never have had any issue with mine.

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