Anyone Carry a Springfield XD


New member
I have an XD 9 4'' and would like to know if anyone else is carrying an XD. What holster and how are you carrrying it. I would really like a strong Side Belt holster but I am concerned the gun is too big.
I carried a XD 9 for a long time it is a great carry weapon. I used a Don Hume inside the waste band holster carried between 3 and 4 oclock very comfortable and concealable.
I sometimes carry an XD 9 SC or an XD 45 comp. Both will fit in the DeSantis Viper Paddle Holster. I have been really liking paddle holsters for the ease of putting it on and quick removal. Very comfortable for me also. This holster also holds the grip in close to the body --so little printing. It also has height and cant adjustments.
My XD9SC is always in my EDC bag in an AMS holster to keep the trigger covered. This holster would not fit the 4" barrel though.
I highly recomend the DeSantis Viper
I carry a Springfield XD 40 (full size 4" service model, not the compact) in a strong side DeSantis speed scabbard. I carry it in the forward cant. I can conceal the gun pretty easily under a sweatshirt or un-tucked button-up shirt. I just got the gun in late fall, and haven't had to carry it in warm weather yet, so I don't know how that's going to work out just yet. I'll probably be limited to a short sleeved button up shirt that is untucked. The DeSantis holster keeps the gun nice and high and tight to my body. With a good thick belt it works great! Generally speaking, I think the gun is not that hard to hide. I've worn it several times and had my wife be surprised to feel it, saying things like "when the heck did you put that on?" I first tried an Uncle Mike's Sidekick sholder holster, but I didn't like it at all. I think it stays concealed better in the scabbard than in the Sidekick. Hope that helps a little. Good luck!
XD Carry

I carry an XD45 compact. 90% carry in a Crossbreed supertuck. I also have a Fobus paddle which carries nicely and is comfortable bur prefer IWB.
Sometimes I carry my XD-9 4" model at 3 0' clock in a jit slide holster. I have no problem concealing, normally I carry a commander 1911. I like to carry it in the summer months.
My XD-40 carries extremely well concealed and comfortable in a KyTac BraveHeart IWB rig. Easy on, easy off, yet secure. Spare mag in a pouch on the left side completes the ensemble.

I occasionally carry a 4" XD .45 but I'm pretty tall and thin and it proves tough to conceal comfortably unless the weather is cold and I'm wearing a sweater or jacket. I carry it with a Comp-Tac. The best places for me are 11 and 5 o'clock.

Everyday I carry a Kel-Tec PF-9.

I'm looking at getting a SC XD.
I have been carrying the XD45 Service since it hit the shelf in my local gunstore. I have had no trouble carrying it concealed either IWB or OWB.....I prefer IWB. Here are the two holsters I carry it in.

IWB is a Brommeland Max Con V and a double mag holster

OWB is in a Galco Concealable and using the Brommeland mag holster as well
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XD 40 Subcompact

I just bought the XD paddle holster from Springfield. It's comfortable. Way better then the belt holster that it came with. I would recommend this one for a CCW.
XD Carry

I have an XD 9 4'' and would like to know if anyone else is carrying an XD. What holster and how are you carrrying it. I would really like a strong Side Belt holster but I am concerned the gun is too big.

I carry a Xd 9 sub compact. I use a thunderware holster here in So. Fl. The only problem with it that it sweats through, so I just keep my gun wiped down and it is just fine. I also use a fanny pack and on the rare days that I can were a coat I carry cross draw in a fobis roto holster. Stay safe.
I am a very big fan of the 1911 Style Pistol. But my first carry gun was a Springfield 9MM carried in a Don Hume IWB holster great gun, no complaints, I Have given it to My Brother in Law since he took his CCW class. Never a malfunction and very comfortable to wear.
30 years of many pistols in my hands and I stopped looking when I got a CC-Permit, needed a smaller lighter yet rugged weapon and found the Springfield XD-9. IMHO it is the easiest (non-micro-built Derringer LM5 type) pistol to conceal if you want a good CQC semi-auto pistol that does not look like it belongs stuck in a bar-fly's leg garter holster. It's discreet concealed carry even in a normal pants/jacket pocket. Fine quality, accuracy, reliability and STOPPING POWER with its 10-rd clip of 9mm COR©BON HP 115gr rounds, plus 1 in the 'spout' (11 rds vs 5 same for any Lady Smith revolver) for fast deployment, less manual safeties to slow U down; just draw, aim (nice front/rear combo sights) & squeeze off something moving @ 1350fps that hits like a soft-lead .45-.50cal ball round the closer the target is 2 U. Rubbish U cry :39: ? Try it on a soft target (like a dead dear strung-up which simulates a human very well) and watch a 2-2.5" hole spider-out from point of impact, followed by the crimson-spray of about 1lb of meat ejected outward upon impact and splinter into hundreds of micro mini-bits of lead & copper stuck inside to a depth of 4-6"! vs. a normal 9mm FMJ that just leaves a nice round hole big enough to stick a pencil through on it's way thru & probably out the other side of a skinny perp or paper target on a range. HP stopping power even against body armor will knock a big perp down, not pass right thru leaving perp just more P.O-ed :Image15: unless U hit that inner eye/nose tear duct spot, the 'Drop-dead Fred' spot snipers love. But this is no sniper rifle & that shot takes a LOT of practice to make when the SHTF. For the price, quality and short range accuracy it is small and deadly if U use the right stoppng ammo, or 4-get it and go with a LARGER 1911 stlye 'shooters', leaving a hole U can now stick a finger in, unless it's shooting HP's, then that stops the human tanks of this world, is twice as big, twice as heavy and packs a hefty recoil. A larger good quality pistol is a must for @ home/range uses, but CC is hard to keep it legal. Try conceal that size/any make of hand-canon in your jeans & a T on an 80' day! I'd love 2 know how that is legally done & still stay out of sight & out of a fanny-pack. It doesn't get much better for sub-compacts but the right ammo is IMHO what gives it best in class short-range awesome stopping power, and practice or U may just blow your foot off looking for a safety to flip up or down that are not there :-) 500+ various rds to date with no MF's, jambs or hangs; poetry in pistols.

Canis-Lupus :duim:
I just picked up an XD45 Service model last weekend. I am going to go to the range tomorrow and try it out for the first time. The funny this is that I went looking for a compact or sub compact .45 and ended up with one that isn't much smaller than my 1911. I just liked the XD too much I guess. The compact can come later.
I just picked up an XD45 Service model last weekend. I am going to go to the range tomorrow and try it out for the first time. The funny this is that I went looking for a compact or sub compact .45 and ended up with one that isn't much smaller than my 1911. I just liked the XD too much I guess. The compact can come later.

Congrats! As a fellow XD owner I am confident you'll be pleased :)
The same as Tex45ACP

I use the identical setup. I carry constantly and this is a very comfortable setp. It doesn't print when your as big as I am. 5'10" 230 lbs.
Never should have sold it but one has to have something thinner...

I found that it was way to wide to conceal, atleast without a coat or lots of layers.Had an XD40 4" with a ported 4.5" ss mach barrel from EFK.Wish to hell i never sold it(400$to my brother) I cut the grip down to a compact size(before Springfield Even offered a compact in any model. I cut up a 12rnd mag, trimmed, cut and made a 10rnd compact mag. Yes I know what you might be thinking but that 10rnd mag but five years latter it's always loaded full and still has as much pop as a new mag. I did the same with my Kahr TP45(a 7rnd'r to a six, and funneled the well. I should do pistol smithing on the side but the prise for tools is more than I can afford. on top of work supplies.

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