Another Gun Site


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Great....another gun site to keep me from working!

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Hey Jim. I'm originally from New Orleans. Born and raised. I moved out to Las Vegas in Mar. 05. I'll be sure to add your site to my links section.

What part of LA are you in?
Luke if ya ever travel 'home' ya might want to plan a trip around the bayou blast over at KTOG. I took the family south this summer and put this little gathering into the trip. Got to meet some of those members and had a great time.
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Jim you might want to check this out too if your anywhere near this...

I grew up in Alabama and currently live in Baton Rouge. Do ever make it back to Nawlins?


I didn't read all 35 pages about the Bayou Blast but the pictures looked like you were at Sherbourne WMA. If so, I go there on occasion with some folks from the hometown forum (Gulf States) and Maybe I can make it next year.

I haven't been back since Christmas. I have a daughter that lives there but she came out to see me a couple months ago.
Sharp eyes Jim. That was at Sherburne WMA, and I attended from up Ft Polk way. We'll try to keep you in the loop when we plan the next one. Nice looking board here. I hope it takes off!

Where abouts in Al. ya from. My dad and the wife's dad were both from Al. ( no we're NOT related :D ) Dad grew up on Sand mountain , hers around Red Bay.
Where abouts in Al. ya from. My dad and the wife's dad were both from Al. ( no we're NOT related :D ) Dad grew up on Sand mountain , hers around Red Bay.

I grew up about an hour's drive northeast of Birmingham and am familiar with the Sand Moutain area.
I was born in Baton Rouge and lived there until I was 7. Even though I consider a full blown Hoosier now, Louisiana is and will forever be where my heart is.

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