All Eyes on New Britain (Concealed Weapons Ordinance 16-80)

Reposted from CCDL Members update 9/10/2012. Please visit www for more information.

Over the past several weeks, CCDL has been working with officials in New Britain to help modify their ban on concealed weapons to exempt permit holders. Several committee hearings have taken place with CCDL presenting favorable information, and the last draft of the ordinance revision was approved unanimously by the Finance and Law Committee. This measure will hopefully pass at the next Common Council meeting on 09/12. Nothing is official until the council approves the revision.

Please feel free to join us Wednesday at New Britain City Hall for the full Common Council Meeting 7:00pm as we await the outcome.

New Britain City Hall
27 West Main St
New Britain, CT 06051

Note- There has been a lot of misinformation and lack of understanding published by various news outlets on what the revision would mean for permit holders. Simply put, it would bring New Britain in line with the State of Connecticut statutes and allow citizens to carry in whatever manner they choose.

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