Age Restrictions and Vehicle carry


New member
I was recently given a brilliant Sig Saur p239 9mm from my father as a graduation present. There has been many contradicting ideas as to my rights to the handgun. The law states:
"Federal law prohibits, except in certain limited circumstances, anyone under 18 years of age from knowingly possessing a handgun..."

I'm 18. So what are my rights?
Can I carry openly in a car?
Can I have a concealed carry?
I live in Arkansas if that makes a difference.

Thanks alot!

Have you attempted to research what the Laws are in Arkansas? I would say pretty much that if you can open carry or conceal carry anywhere, then yes, you can do so in your car
As I understand it, you may possess but not purchase a handgun at the age of 18. The law about where and when and how you may carry a handgun are guided by state law. Look for a good synopsis of Arkansas gun law - there may be a book or a pamphlet available to you through gun stores there that addresses each of your questions.
Here in MO, as far as I know, the age limit is 21. Check your local state laws. MO is an open carry states but it also depends on the county you are living in. Our county doesn't allow OC.

BTW, welcome to this forum.
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In Maine you can own but not buy a handgun at 18.
I am 18 and have my CCW, I got it a week after my 18th birthday, about a week after that my father "let's me borrow all the time" HIS new that day llama .380 as it is in his name

None of the people that are responding to your posts are going to be w/ you when you have a run in w/ the police. It is incumbent upon you to find out what the law says in your state (Knowing the law in Missouri or Maine is as worthless to you as tits on a boar hog).

I'd suggest you start w/ the link seeya posted and go from there
Arkansas carry--concealed or open--for an 18 year old

I followed the links posted by SEEYA (see excerpt below), and it would appear that you are not eligible for concealed carry as you are under 21 years of age.



SECTION 1. As used in this act:
(a) "Director" means the director of the Arkansas State Police.
(b) "Handgun" means any firearm with a barrel length of less than
twelve inches (12") that is designed, made, or adapted to be fired with one
(c) "Concealed" means to cover from observation so as to prevent public

SECTION 2. (a)(1) The director is authorized to issue licenses to carry
concealed handguns to persons qualified as provided in this section. Such
licenses shall be valid throughout the state for a period of four (4) years
from the date of issuance. Any person possessing a valid license issued
pursuant to this section may carry a concealed handgun.
(2) The licensee must carry the license, together with valid
identification, at all times in which the licensee is carrying a concealed
handgun and must display both the license and proper identification upon
demand by a law enforcement officer.
(b) The director shall issue a license if the applicant:
(1) Is a resident of the state and has been a resident
continuously for twelve (12) months or longer immediately preceding the filing
of the application (provided this shall not apply to any retired city, county,
state or federal law enforcement officer);
(2) Is twenty-one (21) years of age or older;​

Also, it would appear that open carry is out of the question as well as per Link Removed which states "Arkansas is not a traditional open carry state. They issue a concealed carry permit, so it is our understanding at this time that open carry is not allowed even with a permit."

Given all of the above, I seriously doubt that it would be legal for you to have a loaded firearm in your vehicle within your reach. (Note: I did not research how to legally transport a gun to hunting sites or ranges for practice, nor did I research to see if AR allows you openly carry anywhere on your property--LOOK IT UP ....)

As TREO stated, YOU need to personally research the statutes (and perhaps consult some legal entities -- AND GET DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT YOUR POSITION) as you will be the one in trouble if LE catches you carrying illegally....

Given your current age, I would be very thorough in your research, and if you find something that allows you to CC or OC, you would probably want to carry a copy of your reference source ON YOU while out in public. Not ALL LEOs know the nitty gritty of the law, and it helps if you can reference specific legal statutes to support your position.

The Sig Sauer P239 is a beauty (concealable, reliable, accurate), and will serve you well for many years. Enjoy, and be safe.
What a great graduation gift from your Dad, take great care of it and give to your Son some day. Your Dad must be real cool.
I looked into it myself. You do have to be 21 in your state, but don't get discouraged, get use to the gun, shoot it often, research on how to conceal it find a way you like best and wait and hope for 3 years.
Missouri recently passed a bill lowering ccw age to 18. Last I heard it was sitting on the governors desk but he may have already signed it and I didnt hear about it.
Missouri recently passed a bill lowering ccw age to 18. Last I heard it was sitting on the governors desk but he may have already signed it and I didnt hear about it.
Actually the legal age of ccw here in MO is 23.The bill that is sitting in the governor's office if it hasn't been passed is 21. My son is 22 years of age last March but he got around to carrying earlier because we got him a ccw from Florida which did not really took long to get.
Care to provide the actual cite & link to this ALLEGED Federal Law?

Aren't you an ALLEGED instructor?

18 USC (United States Code) 922 (x).

Link Removed

Here's a link to the Arkansas State police-Concealed Handgun Licensing:
Arkansas State Police | Regulatory Services
Where Concealed Handguns are Prohibited:
Arkansas State Police | Regulatory Services
Make copies of pages you find with information you WILL one day need. Keep these current & in your vehicle so that if you get stopped or questioned you can let the Officer know you have studied the laws.
Read your State Constitution for information on gun laws.
Call your county Sheriff to get information, they are glad to help you stay legal.

Before I got my CCW I studied for months to learn all the laws & rules I could & there are still plenty out there I missed or have changed in the last year.