If you're in OR, WA, or ID the cheapest place for plinking ammo by far is Bi-Mart. Unfortunately they usually have a fairly limited selection, and it goes quick especially in times like these. Next is Walmart, and then local sporting goods stores. I only order ammo online if I'm buying in large bulk and Bi-mart is out.
Thank you captain obvious.
Thank you captain obvious.
hey Micky D's is selling burgers for a nickle but they ran out of "meat" so in effect they are NOT selling any of those cheap burgers, same concept as your post, store XYZ has great prices but there is nothing in stock to sell
thanks for the useless info.
Never once did I say they had nothing in stock. I said it goes quickly, which it does. They get a shipment every week. As long as you get there quickly you can find some. Apparently you skipped reading comprehension day at school, didn't ya golden boy?