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  1. J

    Buying Ammo over the Internet

    Hi, At a recent meeting at our club, there was a mention that it may be OK in New York State for internet purchase of ammo. Any news about this? Thanks
  2. J

    How many Can I Carry in New York Now?

    Hi, I cannot figure out after the NY Court decision last year declaring the 7 round limit unconstitutional, if it is OK to carry 10 rounds, or are we still legally limited to 7? Are we waiting for further court decisions? In the meantime is the law still on the books? I know many will say to...
  3. J

    New Laws

    Hi, Does anyone have any new info regarding the changes in shipping ammo to New York State? My wife and I, and my daughter go to the range once a month as a pact to keep up with familiarity and practice, and, as best we can preparedness, with our guns. This also serves as a great hobby, but...
  4. J

    Does anyone know about Concealed Carry Insurance?

    Hi, I am very interested in coverage also. I would like professional and monetary assistance if I ever had to utilize my 2nd amendment right. Even fairly clear cut examples of self defense could easily wipe out one financially to get past the legal ramifications of such a happenstance. The...
  5. J

    CCW Leaving Firearm in Car

    Hello all, I am confused over how to leave my gun in the car when entering a prohibited carry area. I have purchased a lockable safe with a steel cable. I just lock it in when needed. Is this considered adequate? Do I have to unload a revolver or magazine each time I run into a bank? Thanks...