Claire Worley
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  • safety bullet will be featured in many upcommming magizines. Thank you to everyone who logged on the web site you made it a record month for views 4.9 million last mo. WE HAD 900,000 IN ONE DAY

    those who do not know who this in with my Dad MIKE WORLEY is DICK HELLER fresh off his win in court. He will be wearing a safety bullet around his neck along with his lawyer in his upcomming supreme court hearing! Pro Gun all the way.
    Dick says "safety bullet is a good comprimise"
    Let me say to you all who are confussed on my intentions here, I support gun owners. I love guns and feel we all need them and have the right to own them to hunt, for fun, or most of all protection. The point I would like you all to understand is this; guns are dangerous and nothing thus far has stoped all the accidental shootings. So, please open your minds to new ideas. Some member told me "I was wasting my time my being here." I told him this: " Saving lives is never a waste of time." We are commited to this and we will keep on keeping on. thank for visiting Claire Worley hierss of safety bullet and lover of guns and safety and keeping kids safe
    Thanks for your response, If I was not clear with my previous statement to your contribution let me clarify. I am proud to see ladies embrace the marksman sports. I agree that your cartoon is a symbol of strength personified in the female form. I believe all guys enjoy to see this. My comment about marksmanship be equally attractive with both genders simply is a statement because we all need to aware of the importance of our heritage as marksmanship and our 2nd amendment rights and I really appreciate your contribution as a professional women whom is in support of what I believe in.
    By jhill49 a man with intellect
    Mike Worley will be speaking at the american cop convention in august! He will be leting everyone know about the safety bullet.
    Safety Bullet protects the gun owner from criminal charges because its use complies with Child Access Prevention Laws (CAP)
    Hey guess what I also have some pictures here from today, I am a promoter. Sometimes it is a lot of sales but I have fun doing it.
    I do have a few shotguns actually. What company does your mom work for? We may be the only 26 yr olds here. Sometimes based on how some of the older ones act i wonder if we are not the most mature ones too.
    Thanks for your response, If I was not clear with my previous statement to your contribution let me clarify. I am proud to see ladies embrace the marksman sports. I agree that your cartoon is a symbol of strength personified in the female form. I believe all guys enjoy to see this. My comment about marksmanship be equally attractive with both genders simply is a statement because we all need to aware of the importance of our heritage as marksmanship and our 2nd amendment rights and I really appreciate your contribution as a professional women whom is in support of what I believe in.
    Hello everyone, thanks for visiting. I am 26 I'll be 27 in may and I want to learn as much as I can about gun laws. This year should be very interesting!!!!!!
    I love shooting, did you guys see the 20 20 special on friday night? It was so intresting. I liked what they said about how the police having to train thieir eyes to take in their entire suroundings because you get tunnel vison in an emergency. They also set up a hidden camera and put a gun loaded with blanks in an area where kids would be to see what they would do. All the kids found the gun hidden in a dresser. Most of the kids picked the gun up and about half pointed it at themselves while they looked in the bearrel. SCARY What did you all think?
    Thank you and your not bad looking yourself, I live in Colorado and where do you live
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