Signs of the End of the Age & The Last Generation

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Interesting... please reread your own posts where you argue that God does not exist and even compare God to the tooth fairy and Peter Pan asserting God is a faerie tale and doesn't exist to see where I get the impression that a non believer is pushing his non belief upon the believers.
It's really simple, they are all fictional characters.

And non believers want civil laws that push their non belief too. You know... banning nativity scenes and such.
on public lands, put one in your yard, the lawn of the church, at any other privately owned land. How would you feel if the Islamic star and crescent was erected in front of city hall in your town, or on the whitehouse lawn?

If the non believers would stop trying to convince the believers to become non believers and if the believers would stop trying to convince the non believers to believe and both keep their beliefs/non beliefs to themselves then there wouldn't be any divisiveness and religion would not be a threat to mankind.

That is all I'm asking from both sides.
I don't recall a single non-believer telling a theist that they should not believe. Our primary goal is to tell theists to get their religious beliefs, bias, bigotry and hated out of society and primarily out of civil laws that force those beliefs on everyone.

I can't say that about theists, with their constant believe or go to hell nonsense.
Originally Posted by Bikenut View Post
Interesting... please reread your own posts where you argue that God does not exist and even compare God to the tooth fairy and Peter Pan asserting God is a faerie tale and doesn't exist to see where I get the impression that a non believer is pushing his non belief upon the believers.
It's really simple, they are all fictional characters.
Incorrect. The body of evidence you have leads you to believe that God is a fictional character but you do not have any solid proof God does not exist anymore than the believers have solid proof that God exists. What you both have is faith in the evidence you accept as proof of your belief.
Originally Posted by Bikenut View Post
And non believers want civil laws that push their non belief too. You know... banning nativity scenes and such.

on public lands, put one in your yard, the lawn of the church, at any other privately owned land. How would you feel if the Islamic star and crescent was erected in front of city hall in your town, or on the whitehouse lawn?
Actually here I agree with you with the caveat that ALL symbols of ALL religions should to be equally represented on public lands... none should be excluded just because someone doesn't like to see a certain religion represented.

Edited to add:
I say ALL symbols of All religions should be equally represented because if all were banned then those who don't like to see a certain symbol still passively aggressively got their way by banning them all. And public lands belong to .. we the people... not just to ...those folks who don't like religious symbols or even just certain religious symbols.
Originally Posted by Bikenut View Post
If the non believers would stop trying to convince the believers to become non believers and if the believers would stop trying to convince the non believers to believe and both keep their beliefs/non beliefs to themselves then there wouldn't be any divisiveness and religion would not be a threat to mankind.

That is all I'm asking from both sides.
I don't recall a single non-believer telling a theist that they should not believe. Our primary goal is to tell theists to get their religious beliefs, bias, bigotry and hated out of society and primarily out of civil laws that force those beliefs on everyone.

I can't say that about theists, with their constant believe or go to hell nonsense.
Reread your own posts arguing that God is a fictional character that to a theist is nonsense to see an argument telling believers to non believe. You do know that while the believer(s) are browbeating you in an effort to get you to believe your arguments against them are also efforts to browbeat them into not believing? And while you complain the believers use a "believe or go to hell" argument you are using the ridicule of God being a faerie tale character argument. Can you not see both arguments are perpetuating the ... "I'm right and you are wrong"... argument that is the core of why religion is a threat to mankind?

And fighting to get religious beliefs, bias, bigotry, and hatred, out of society (now why would anyone who says no one is telling theists not to believe would want to get religion... OUT OF SOCIETY?) is merely substituting the religious beliefs, bias, bigotry, and hatred for non religious beliefs, bias, bigotry, and hatred. Both, at least to me, are merely different sides of the same coin called... "I'm right and you are wrong."

One more time... and please note I am referring to both sides:

If believers would stop trying to convert non believers and non believers would stop trying to convert believers then religion would no longer be a threat to mankind because it isn't religious belief, or the lack thereof, that is the threat.................. it is the zeal, the fervor, and even in some cases fanaticism (like jihad), that is applied by either side trying to convert the other that perpetuates religion being a threat.
And fighting to get religious beliefs, bias, bigotry, and hatred, out of society (now why would anyone who says no one is telling theists not to believe would want to get religion... OUT OF SOCIETY?) is merely substituting the religious beliefs, bias, bigotry, and hatred for non religious beliefs, bias, bigotry, and hatred. Both, at least to me, are merely different sides of the same coin called... "I'm right and you are wrong."

One more time... and please note I am referring to both sides:

Perhaps I didn't word that as to be very clear, when I said "out of society" I am talking about our laws and mandates.

In this country christians are always pushing different laws to enforce their biblical laws onto every single person in the country, or to discriminate against specific groups of people. Fortunately the courts, and specifically the SCOTUS are overturning these by ruling them unconstitutional.

Several years ago there was a ballot initiative to change the state constitution to discriminate against specific people based on some interpretations from the bible, and it passed. The courts have since ruled it was unconstitutional.

50 years prior the courts overturned laws that made inter-racial marriages illegal throughout most of the states in the bible belt, again overturning biblical teachings.

Some politicians have even introduced legislation to again make birth control illegal, more biblical nonsense.

This is what I mean by getting religion "out of society"... the same way you would oppose a law (or standard) that required your wife wear a head scarf, or a burka when she left the house.

If believers would stop trying to convert non believers and non believers would stop trying to convert believers then religion would no longer be a threat to mankind because it isn't religious belief, or the lack thereof, that is the threat.................. it is the zeal, the fervor, and even in some cases fanaticism (like jihad), that is applied by either side trying to convert the other that perpetuates religion being a threat.
I am not trying to convert anyone, but I do encourage theists to question what they have been taught vs. blind acceptance. That is how people free their mind from religion.

Think as religion like your wanker, it find to have one, it is find to be proud of it, it is fine to play with it, it is fine to share with those that are willing, BUT when you start swinging it around in public and forcing it on others, they you have crossed the line.
Because the rapture is a one-time event, it is critical that people be ready for it ahead of time. If you miss an elevator in a building or a flight at an airport, there is always another one you can catch. We have all the signs and warnings to help us decide to be ready. In the end, is up to us to make that important choice.

The "Think-Not" Generation.
by Todd Strandberg​

The pre-tribulation rapture is the key to unlocking the timing of Bible prophecy. Once the Lord Jesus comes for the Church, the way will be cleared for the devil to set up his final rebellion. Unfortunately, the Bible says is it not possible for us to know exactly when the rapture will take place.

In the Book of Matthew, Jesus told His disciples again and again that they would not know the hour of His return. The Lord was so insistent about getting this point across, He repeated himself four times in the space of a few verses. He also included a story about the 10 virgins to illustrate the point of the surprise rapture.

"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Mat. 24:36).

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" (Mat. 24:42).

"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Mat. 24:44).

"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh" (Mat. 25:13).

I think it is very significant that Jesus frequently pointed to the "think not" hour as being the time of His return. The slumbering state that we find the Church in today is a strong indication that this prophecy is in the process of being fulfilled. I would rank it far above the more general prophecies like "knowledge shall increase" (Dan 12:4) or "earthquakes in divers places" (Mark 13:8).

Jesus said He would intentionally choose a timeframe when Christians are not expecting His return. As a result, the most unlikely time for His return becomes, actually, the most likely time for the rapture. Because we have an assurance from the Lord that this event will take place during a time when the faithful are least expecting Him, we have a contrary way to judge the rapture's nearness.

We are clearly living in the "Think-Not" generation. If the Lord were to come today, He would find a Church very cozy with a sinful world. Because we have no moral watchdogs anymore, it is difficult to measure the depravity of our society. Whenever I try to gauge levels of morality, I have to think how people from other generations would react to situations.

In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul indicates that the act of being caught off guard by the rapture is purely optional. He wrote, "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief" (1 Thes. 5:4). By remaining forever alert, we can escape being found asleep when our Master finally returns.
Think as religion like your wanker, it find to have one, it is find to be proud of it, it is fine to play with it, it is fine to share with those that are willing, BUT when you start swinging it around in public and forcing it on others, they you have crossed the line.
Think of how diminishing, demeaning, and insulting it is for a believer to have their religious beliefs referred to in a sexual manner and then tell me you are not contributing to the divisiveness that makes religion a threat to mankind.

It is precisely this kind of thing that keeps the animosity going...

And then there is Ringo's post #2450 that also keeps the animosity going.

Both sides just continue the same old litany of ... "I'm right and you are wrong." .

Enjoy yourselves.
Think of how diminishing, demeaning, and insulting it is for a believer to have their religious beliefs referred to in a sexual manner and then tell me you are not contributing to the divisiveness that makes religion a threat to mankind.

It is precisely this kind of thing that keeps the animosity going...
Well since christians don't follow the instructions from their bible about keeping their religion private, it takes some blunt language to impress upon them it should be treated as a private matter. If you see that as diminishing, demeaning or insulting, then you have read more into my statement than what is there.

And then there is Ringo's post #2450 that also keeps the animosity going.

Both sides just continue the same old litany of ... "I'm right and you are wrong." .

Enjoy yourselves.
You need to take that up with Ringo.

I will comment however that a great deal of his animosity comes out of the blue, not within the context of the current posts, and often started as a new thread. OG is also guilty of that also, just to a lesser degree.
Reread your own posts arguing that God is a fictional character that to a theist is nonsense to see an argument telling believers to non believe. You do know that while the believer(s) are browbeating you in an effort to get you to believe your arguments against them are also efforts to browbeat them into not believing? And while you complain the believers use a "believe or go to hell" argument you are using the ridicule of God being a faerie tale character argument. Can you not see both arguments are perpetuating the ... "I'm right and you are wrong"... argument that is the core of why religion is a threat to mankind?

And fighting to get religious beliefs, bias, bigotry, and hatred, out of society (now why would anyone who says no one is telling theists not to believe would want to get religion... OUT OF SOCIETY?) is merely substituting the religious beliefs, bias, bigotry, and hatred for non religious beliefs, bias, bigotry, and hatred. Both, at least to me, are merely different sides of the same coin called... "I'm right and you are wrong."

One more time... and please note I am referring to both sides:

If believers would stop trying to convert non believers and non believers would stop trying to convert believers then religion would no longer be a threat to mankind because it isn't religious belief, or the lack thereof, that is the threat.................. it is the zeal, the fervor, and even in some cases fanaticism (like jihad), that is applied by either side trying to convert the other that perpetuates religion being a threat.
Personally, I dont see anything wrong with trying to "convert" others to believe what you do. I see little value in a world where we refuse to challenge each other's beliefs or to question our own. Issues arise, though, when people use their contentions as an excuse to be sh*tty to each other.

Conversations that start as "I believe in a god, this is why" and "well, I don't believe in that god, this is why" all too often end up as "you're going to hell if you don't believe in my god!" and "you're an idiot!"

Discussions about humanity, morality, the universe, the nature of existence, etc. can be very interesting and productive when people with and without different beliefs interact. The issue is that some folks tend to let their beliefs get in the way of logical, respectful, well-reasoned discussion.
XD: Your statement is part of the problems on here:

"Well since christians don't follow the instructions from their bible about keeping their religion private, it takes some blunt language to impress upon them it should be treated as a private matter. If you see that as diminishing, demeaning or insulting, then you have read more into my statement than what is there."

Here again you are trying to impose your interpretation of the believer's duties upon us. In actuality, the Bible says just the opposite. "And He said to them,"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16: 15,16.

The believers on here would be content to communicate among themselves, without having to put up with venomous comments from the non-believers. It is the non-believers who insist in belittling and cursing our God. Rather than just skipping over our posts, you find it necessary to interject your lack of faith into the posts to simply argue. Consequently, we are all constantly doing battle. There is one man on here who professes to be an atheist and will put in a small jab on occasion with which no one takes offense. That man is nosreme. I know who he is and a little of his background. He is extremely intelligent and is able to enter a thread, make his jab and leave without hostility being felt. He apparently does not see the need to constantly be abrasive nor do the believers feel the need to be otherwise with him. That sort of repartee is enjoyable and we can all make our points in an agreeable manner.

If, on the other hand, some are abrasive, we all start saying things and making claims for which no one can prove so....we all sound like a bunch of idiots. I will include myself because I am also guilty. Everybody else knows who they are. We are all guilty
to some degree. Funny thing is, we could possibly meet on the street, have a good conversation about something and possibly have a cup of coffee or a beer without ever once raising our voices. I think a lot of things are said on a keyboard which are not at all indicative of the kind of persons we actually are.
XD: Your statement is part of the problems on here:

"Well since christians don't follow the instructions from their bible about keeping their religion private, it takes some blunt language to impress upon them it should be treated as a private matter. If you see that as diminishing, demeaning or insulting, then you have read more into my statement than what is there."

Here again you are trying to impose your interpretation of the believer's duties upon us. In actuality, the Bible says just the opposite. "And He said to them,"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Mark 16: 15,16.

Which clearly demonstrates how flawed your bible is, contradictions throughout, but not surprising when a collection of short stories is kludged together into a single work. The craft of the bible scholar is to find the one that fits their view and ignoring that which is contradictory.

My apologies for the size of this image, but it has to be to even attempt to demonstrate the vast number of contradictions in the bible.

Actually it is too large to post here, so you are going to have to induldge me and click on the link ----->
XD: I am not surprised at your comeback about the Bible being full of contradictions. I have heard that for years and from many sources but I still have not been swayed to give up my belief in God. The reference you gave was from the Project Reason Foundation, another of the 501(c)(3) organizations the government allows to operate tax free. Their goal is to spread scientific knowledge and secular values in society. If one is going to attempt to spread secular values (concern for nonreligious subjects), it would be most appropriate for the first subject to be opposed is the Holy Bible. As you can see in the chart you provided, they have gone to considerable effort to disprove the Bible and/or otherwise refute its relevancy. If one wants to indulge in that type activity, it is not difficult to cherry pick certain verses and compare them to others in a different context and then proclaim you have found a contradiction. If, on the other hand, one seriously studies the Bible, what causes confusion in one part is generally explained in another and disproves the contradiction. What one considers to be contradictions can be found within our own history as a country yet, we still live with them or what some consider still to be contradictions. Possibly, if we all approach the discussions as does nosreme, we could all enjoy the repartee without constantly crossing swords.

I am by no means a Biblical scholar, just a struggling Christian who dearly loves the Bible. I have yet to find anything in it to justify disregarding what I consider to lead us all to the salvation of our souls. You have chosen to not believe. OK, that is your decision and, as long as we can both just do our thing and not bother the other, everything will be fine. However, if you persist in making incendiary remarks, I'm afraid we will all continue down the same road, constantly bickering. Then others will chime in and we will maintain constant disagreements.

I know it will be of little interest to you but the whole issue is settled for me in Joshua 24:15; "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"
XD: I am not surprised at your comeback about the Bible being full of contradictions. I have heard that for years and from many sources but I still have not been swayed to give up my belief in God.

People don't reject the Bible because the Bible contradicts itself, people reject the Bible because the Bible contradicts them.
XD: I am not surprised at your comeback about the Bible being full of contradictions.

Are you denying the contradictions are there?

What value would you place on an auto repair manual that was full of contradictions?
Would you want your doctor using reference book for your surgery that was full of contradictions?
How about your great grand kids being educated with math and science books full of contradictions?
XD: I have read many of the contradictions mentioned about the Bible, and over a long span of time. I don't deny there are discrepancies in the ways some things are written, however, I find nothing that makes me deny the existence of God or drastically changes the theme of the Bible. The Christian depends on discernment of intent of the Scriptures. God allows us to see the plan of salvation, even through what you consider to be contradictions. You know yourself that the same story can be told between different peoples numerous times and, during the retelling, what may seem to be a contradiction, is simply the different interpretation by the different hearer. Sounds rather simplistic yet we all know for a fact that things like that can, and do, happen.

In your case, you do not believe in God and take every opportunity to deny Him. You are very strong in your disbelief. I have to tell you old son, we are just as strong in our belief and nothing you say, or present, is going to change us. The power of God is much stronger than any attempts by anyone to defame Him and reduce the knowledge of Him to a lesser consequence. Ain't gonna happen! If God didn't exist, there would not be so many who are trying to put Him down and deny Him. When the Muslims soon become the majority here and insist on conversion to Islam or die, what will you do? Will you reaffirm your position of there being no god and lose your life? Or will you willingly accept Islam to save your life? That will be your litmus test. Now, you are denying the God of the Bible who only asks for you to believe in Him at no cost other than a moral life and your recognition of Him as your Savior. Afterwards, life with Him in Heaven. To accept Islam only to save your physical body will result in loss of both your physical body and your soul. Total loss.

Like every thing else in this world, we have to have faith in the practitioners of auto repair and medicine and hope their experience and ability to reason gets us through our problems. I do.
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