Bloomberg Eyes Arizona


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Bloomberg has his beady-little eyes on Arizona. He's going to try to get Universal Background Checks passed here. For those who aren't aware, here are some facts about UBC:

1. Criminals won't obey them. So, they won't stop criminals.
2. By making private sales public it will only mean that what used to be cost-free will now cost an extra $35 to $50 on average.
3. By making private sales more expensive, this is just one little step closer to making gun ownership impossible.
4. The gun-control supporters can provide zero evidence that gun-control has ever saved a single life.

I'm asking all AZ residents to OPPOSE this legislation when it hits. Oppose it loudly. The left has done a very good job making us uncomfortable speaking-up. The time for being "politically correct" is over. If we continue allowing them to control the narriative, they will win and your rights will be GONE.

For those free states who don't yet have UBC, keep your eyes on AZ. See what we do right and DO IT! See what we do wrong and LEARN FROM IT! If Bloomberg can take the crown-jewel of gun-rights (AZ) he is pretty sure he can take any state.

If Bloomturd wants to keep criminals off the street, he should turn himself in. This guy gives the term "Damn Yankees" a bad name. Must be great to be a Billionaire and tell others how to live and behave while jetting around the world.


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