My letter to the Governor


New member
Governor Haley,
I am retiring on December 1st from the Coast Guard, and will be settling down in the Summerville home we have lived in since 2007. I was pleasantly surprised to find that you are a Concealed Weapon carrier, as am I, but while we have a pro-gun Governor and Republican led State Legislation it is time to do more.
At this time, we are one of only 5 states (and obviously D.C.)that do not allow Open Carry. I have attached a link to a map with this info. When our founding fathers crafted our Constitution, as explained in the Federalist papers, they had a clear intent - to prevent future tyranny. I have 2 main points which I will keep brief so that hopefully your staff will bring this to your attention
1. The "Bill of Rights" gives us no rights. It notes specific rights which are not to be infringed by the government, while noting that this is not a finite list. It does, however, (10th Amendment) forbid states from usurping power over things contained in the first 8 Amendments.
2. Government controlled, mandated, enforced, revenue generating permission slips to become a "legally" armed citizen is quite the infringement.
Enforcement and accountability for criminals is the way to reduce violent crime, along with creating a victim free environment by allowing those citizens that choose to do so to arm themselves without infringement. I understand that this cannot (in todays society) be a single pen stroke change, but I would love to see us become one of the most lenient states in America.

BMC ######## (USCG)

Open Carry |

Congratulations on your upcoming retirement, Chief! Semper Par!

Thanks Bob, I have movers coming Thursday to pack up all my "man-cave" stuff from VA and ship it back to SC. Now I just have to get the wife to let me keep some of it.:wink:
Great LTR chief and thanks again for your service. Both Dorchester County and Berkeley has great groups of conservatives around the area. PM me if you want more info. We moved to NC about 2 years ago and still miss the dedicated engaged citizens there.
Great LTR chief and thanks again for your service. Both Dorchester County and Berkeley has great groups of conservatives around the area. PM me if you want more info. We moved to NC about 2 years ago and still miss the dedicated engaged citizens there.

What is your opinion of the best range for a membership in that area? I have visited ATP and Traders World (both about the same distance from the house but in opposite directions) And I like ATP's range better, but the people were friendlier and more knowledgeable at Traders World. Is there any other that I haven't found yet? My wife and kids have lived there since 2007, but even when I was stationed there I was gone over half the year underway so I was am still like a tourist in the area...
We have Open Carry without a license in Idaho, you should consider moving here if they don't change the laws there.
Swift Boats, 67/68
Great letter and congrats on the retirement. Curious to the response you might receive,anyway enjoy your new life!!!!!
We have Open Carry without a license in Idaho, you should consider moving here if they don't change the laws there.
Swift Boats, 67/68

Idaho... That's in Montana right? :wink:
The other way to look at it, is I am willing to stay here and work to make another piece of our country better.
I moved to Idaho from Washington DC 3 years ago and found that they didn't have a statewide gun organization and discovered counties and cities were making their own laws illegally. We changed that. Hopefully you have a statewide gun organization to deal with your state legislators. You are to be commended for taking them on.

Tony Snesko
Swift Boats, 67/68
Governor Nikki Haley is awesome. She is a pro gun Republican who is attracting many of the manufacturers who felt betrayed by their home State to her great State! She once posted some pics of her visit to FNH USA shooting some of their civilian weapons. Please post her response. I am sure she or someone in her office will reply.

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