

Stirrer of the Pot
Would you tell a stranger if their CCd pistol was inadvertantly exposed, either through obvious printing or their shirt/coat wasn't covering it properly??

I believe I would and I'd want someone to do the same, discreetly of course.

It happened to me the other day although it was a friend I was with who let me know that my shirt was hung up in the back and exposing part my pistol.

Would you tell a stranger if their CCd pistol was inadvertantly exposed, either through obvious printing or their shirt/coat wasn't covering it properly??

I believe I would and I'd want someone to do the same, discreetly of course.

It happened to me the other day although it was a friend I was with who let me know that my shirt was hung up in the back and exposing part my pistol.
I did just that last year. We were having lunch in the local diner. The guy at the next table leaned back, stretched, and "plunk" his snubby fell on the floor. He didn't hear it fall. I leaned over and said "you dropped your piece." He turned bright red. Sheepish grin.
I understand your intent, but there is one very critical element to consider - not everyone who carries is doing so legally. Telling someone like that might get you involved in something you don't want...

I've spent some time in Southern PA, down through WV and VA. In WV, I've seen numerous people printing. Without judging, I can't tell if they're legal or not, nor do I want to find out the hard way.
I understand your intent, but there is one very critical element to consider - not everyone who carries is doing so legally. Telling someone like that might get you involved in something you don't want...

I've spent some time in Southern PA, down through WV and VA. In WV, I've seen numerous people printing. Without judging, I can't tell if they're legal or not, nor do I want to find out the hard way.

I had considered that and there are some cases where I'd certainly just keep walking, but I was speaking more along the lines of seeing somebody in the supermarket, a restaurant (like BC1 did above^^), etc., as opposed to some thug-looking dude on the street who's carrying it stuffed halfway into his waistband. In that case I might very well "profile" and not say anything.
If they were printing/showing in Washington state - nope. Open carry is legal here.

If they dropped their gun and did not notice it - yes, I would let them know that.
The ones I saw were in the supermarket, and I still wouldn't approach them. In WV, I EXPECT that 1 out of 3 people is carrying. The problem is, there are so many people strung out on drugs (mostly meth) around here, and I don't know about the overlap between carrying and using. Nor do I want to find out.

I get where you're coming from in principle. Chances are if we ever met, we'd both be polite and at least offer the perception of being non-threatening. And of course, I would want you to tell me if I'm printing or worse. But that's only because I know I won't hurt you for telling me that (sound mind, solemn responsibility, etc). I just can't predict that within safe certainty to approach someone else.

I had considered that and there are some cases where I'd certainly just keep walking, but I was speaking more along the lines of seeing somebody in the supermarket, a restaurant (like BC1 did above^^), etc., as opposed to some thug-looking dude on the street who's carrying it stuffed halfway into his waistband. In that case I might very well "profile" and not say anything.
I would like to think I would. The chances are slim I get the chance due to the fact I live in the only state in the nation without conceal carry. I do have a FL CCP for my trips out of state and I would want someone to tell me.
Would you tell a stranger if their CCd pistol was inadvertantly exposed, either through obvious printing or their shirt/coat wasn't covering it properly??

I believe I would and I'd want someone to do the same, discreetly of course.

It happened to me the other day although it was a friend I was with who let me know that my shirt was hung up in the back and exposing part my pistol.

Two different situations, If I don't know you,(generic) don't talk to me and I'll do you the same courtesy
Two different situations, If I don't know you,(generic) don't talk to me and I'll do you the same courtesy

I was thinking out of courtesy and to help a fellow carrier avoid any potential issues. It would be no different than if I saw someone accidentally drop a piece of paper or something and then I would (and most of us have) alert them to the fact. I think I'd just give them a "psssst" and motion towards their pistol, especially if it were actually exposed. If it was just printing I might not say anything.
I was thinking out of courtesy and to help a fellow carrier avoid any potential issues. It would be no different than if I saw someone accidentally drop a piece of paper or something and then I would (and most of us have) alert them to the fact. I think I'd just give them a "psssst" and motion towards their pistol, especially if it were actually exposed. If it was just printing I might not say anything.

Like Navy said, in Colorado OC is legal and none of my business, I would let sleeping dogs lie.

A wallet or something like that I would say something but that's also a situation where I could stay outside of your bubble and still tell you.

I'm not a people person, I don't like people I don't know entering my space as a matter of fact I greatly resent it. If someone I didn't know got right up on me and started talking about my gun I wouldn't react well. Bearing that in mind I don't approach people I don't know.
Like Navy said, in Colorado OC is legal and none of my business, I would let sleeping dogs lie.

That's why I specified "CCd". Obviously if you're in an OC state then it's not really an issue, but most of us live in CC-only states.

In any case I'd appreciate it if somebody here in FL gave me a heads-up if my CC was showing....kinda the same way I'd appreciate it if they told my my fly was down :biggrin: I'm the type of person who wants somebody to tell me that sort of stuff!
I would of course mention it to a friend, but not to a stranger. I don't know who they are or where they have been or where they are going, and quite honestly, I don't care. They are of no concern to me.
On weekend nights I do Armed Security for a restaurant that's open 24hrs, specifically to handle the bar crowd. This morning I pulled a gentleman to the side to let him know he was printing badly. He thanked me, we talked guns a few minutes and parted amiably.

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet"
On weekend nights I do Armed Security for a restaurant that's open 24hrs, specifically to handle the bar crowd. This morning I pulled a gentleman to the side to let him know he was printing badly. He thanked me, we talked guns a few minutes and parted amiably.

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet"

I had a similar experience a couple of years ago in one of the bars I oversee. An employee (who CCs) told me he had seen a patron's pistol. It's illegal in Florida for a patron to carry in a bar so I approached the man discreetly and told him he'd have to leave his gun in his car (better me than some other patron who simply calls the cops). He apologized profusely and took his piece to his vehicle. I've seen him numerous times since then and have joked with him about it.
But who's to say what a "thug" looks like? Thugs come in different shapes, sizes, and wrappers.

True, but most of the time if it walks like a duck and quacks like a's a duck. Not always, though. I know 2 guys who look like they're straight out of central casting from "Boyz n' the Hood" but they both have CCWs. In any case I'd play it by ear and not say anything if I thought there was some sort of threat.
But who's to say what a "thug" looks like? Thugs come in different shapes, sizes, and wrappers.

That's the politically correct statement, sir, but (many of) the rest of us allow a level of common sense to prevail.

...No, I don't want to take the time to explain, most of us would get it so I'll leave it there.

BTW, I see you are new here. Welcome and hope your stay is a good one!
As with all discussions like this, it depends on too many variables.
Clothing for example.... Does the person look like a thug? Mexican carry? No way am I mentioning anything. Printing? I probably wouldn't say anything, unless I knew you.
If you are dressed "decently," what ever that entails, and have a holster and your shirt is hooked over your gun, I would most likely walk by and mention something. Call it "professional courtesy." (Even though OC is legal in most of Missouri.)
OK, I didn't want to pigeonhole anyone in WV, but I also know from personal experience and local LEO knowledge that there is a HUGE drug problem in the local area. No matter what anyone says, it can be difficult to determine who is carrying legally, and who might be mixed up in drugs - and absolutely no one knows where that line might cross.

In other words, those carrying legally, might still be mixed up in something that YOU DON'T WANT TO CROSS.

All I'm saying is this - despite our best intent, that one person who is outside of the boundaries that we (on this board) subscribe to, *might* be that one exception to your rules. And in that case, could get you involved in the one thing none of us ever really wants.

Much of this thread is still based on the assumption of "good" when you're all seeing things through your own filter. Just take a step back and think about the x% of your assumption that might be wrong. The what-if's outweigh the consequences of being wrong.

The other night, I was in Martinsburg, WV and stepped outside the mall to see two kids going at it. So far as I could see, there were 3 guys to my left, and another 2 to my right, plus who knows what I couldn't see. Oh sure, I'm armed, but who is to say what anyone else had. I stepped back into the mall and called the security guard before my wife and I stepped outside. It's better to be safe than sorry, and that's the message I'm sending here - what if you're wrong about the printing person that you approach? The cost could be more than the risk, and that's all I'm saying...

Simply put, be smart, be safe, and don't look only through your own filter in the event that you are wrong. Being wrong in this case costs way more than missing the local Lotto or winning Super Bowl picks.

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