Firearm Storage Question after getting to Montana when traveling from Nevada


I will be driving up to MT from NV next month. I know I won't have a problem concealing as NV, AZ, UT, ID, and MT will recognize my NV and UT permits. Is there anything I should look out for in MT? I know I won't be able to carry all the time I am in MT. I will be staying at a hotel, and was wondering about storing the gun in the room. I don't know if there is a safe in the room so I might have to hide it in my suitcase. I rather not do that, but don't another way of bringing the gun on my trip. Anyone else have any ideas?

Montana is probably one of the least restrictive states in America. Don't hide your gun in your suit case. Keep it on the night stand. Then carry it during the day! At least that's what I do. I think that for the times that you can't carry it, I would rather have it in my car than in a hotel where other people have the key.
Montana is probably one of the least restrictive states in America. Don't hide your gun in your suit case. Keep it on the night stand. Then carry it during the day! At least that's what I do. I think that for the times that you can't carry it, I would rather have it in my car than in a hotel where other people have the key.

I will carry it when I can, but I am going to be at a conference at a hotel, and the conference doesn't permit weapons in it. They won't search me but I don't want to risk bringing it in. Since I will be staying at the hotel where the conference is in I didn't plan on going to the car.

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