Wife stop for License Check while CC


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My wife was stopped this past Saturday while exiting into Lexington by NC State Troopers. She said it was a license check with about 4 cars in front of her. She presented her NC DL along with her CWP and informed the Trooper she was CC'ing. He thanked her for the notify and passed her along her way without further incident. JUST the way it should be........
Glad to see we have professionals in NC.

Some states require CCW holders to notify the police if they are carrying. Others don't. Here in Idaho there is no need to notify an officer if you are carrying though it may be wise to do so anyway. I generally open carry on the dashboard of the pickup. That way an officer can see the pistol immediately (though I've never been stopped).

Granted though, my wife and I live way out in the middle of nowhere and the County Sheriffs Dept. only has 3 deputies for the entire county - all of whom we know well as friends. State police do pass through once in a while, but not very often. If we lived in Boise or any of the other cities I would probably change to carrying concealed.
N.C.H.P. seem to have it together. Twice I've talked with officers about gun preferences while at checkpoints. I even got waved through one because one of those officers recognized me.
My wife was stopped this past Saturday while exiting into Lexington by NC State Troopers. She said it was a license check with about 4 cars in front of her. She presented her NC DL along with her CWP and informed the Trooper she was CC'ing. He thanked her for the notify and passed her along her way without further incident. JUST the way it should be........
Glad to see we have professionals in NC.

so you're pleased with having to be forced to your travels interrupted by an illegal license checkpoint? sad, very sad
My wife was stopped this past Saturday while exiting into Lexington by NC State Troopers. She said it was a license check with about 4 cars in front of her. She presented her NC DL along with her CWP and informed the Trooper she was CC'ing. He thanked her for the notify and passed her along her way without further incident. JUST the way it should be........
Glad to see we have professionals in NC.

What in blue blazes is a "license check" and what gives them the right to detain people who aren't doing anything wrong nor doing anything suspicious?

Professional? More like jack booted thuggery it sounds like to me.

This is a clear violation of our 4th Amendment rights and possibly 5th had things gone worse.

What absolutely floors me with this situation was that you commend them for a) illegally detaining you, b) violating your 4th amendment rights, and c) letting you go without them doing anything worse to you. This is professional???
I'm never please to be interrupted in my travels. Especially by LEO's without PC to stop. BUT not to my liking or understanding the Courts have ruled that they may stopped without PC to conduct DUI/License checks. My only statement was that I was glad they performed their duties in a professional manner.
Hm. Never heard of a license check point. Sounds like someone needs to challenge the constitutionality of these things, I sure as hell would. No reason to show them anything unless you have violated the MVC in that state. Sad what our country is being allowed to do.
I'm never please to be interrupted in my travels. Especially by LEO's without PC to stop. BUT not to my liking or understanding the Courts have ruled that they may stopped without PC to conduct DUI/License checks. My only statement was that I was glad they performed their duties in a professional manner.

They took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. They have not. Regardless of how the courts have ruled, they got it wrong because the courts have been contaminated with political lobbying.

I would, before providing anything, ask them if I'm being detained. When they say yes, then I will ask them for the reason of my detainment. When they stumble and stammer and not give an appropriate response, I will ask, since you have no reason for my detainment, am I free to go. Yes, this may cause more hassle, but it's better than freely giving away my rights.
Some states require CCW holders to notify the police if they are carrying. Others don't. Here in Idaho there is no need to notify an officer if you are carrying though it may be wise to do so anyway. I generally open carry on the dashboard of the pickup. That way an officer can see the pistol immediately (though I've never been stopped).

Granted though, my wife and I live way out in the middle of nowhere and the County Sheriffs Dept. only has 3 deputies for the entire county - all of whom we know well as friends. State police do pass through once in a while, but not very often. If we lived in Boise or any of the other cities I would probably change to carrying concealed.

NC is a must notify state.
They took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. They have not. Regardless of how the courts have ruled, they got it wrong because the courts have been contaminated with political lobbying.

I would, before providing anything, ask them if I'm being detained. When they say yes, then I will ask them for the reason of my detainment. When they stumble and stammer and not give an appropriate response, I will ask, since you have no reason for my detainment, am I free to go. Yes, this may cause more hassle, but it's better than freely giving away my rights.[/QUOTE]
I will fight this battle in the Legislature not the street. With that said, I will comply with State Law until I (we) can have it amended. I never said I agree with stop and check. I do comply with State law as written but will engage with my law makers to enact change. I highly suggest ALL to do the same.
I understand some who feel they are being violated by the LEOs doing License/DUI cks, thing is we don't know why exactly they are doing this, maybe they are looking for some BG, as long as the LEOs are being human about it, I think we can cut them a little slack
if they stop and look, it might or might not be ok, if the stop and conduct illegal searches then that is a problem

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