vote for Ken Cuccinelli


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If Virginia want's the gun control that McAuliffe want's to put in effect don't vote for Ken Cuccinelli

My campaign has released a new ad, which highlights Terry McAuliffe's unsustainable and unrealistic plans for Virginia. Terry's $14 billion plans will cost the average family $1700 in increased taxes per year.. My plan for Virginia will create 58,000 new jobs and lower the tax burden on families by $700 per year. Will you WATCH & SHARE this ad?

Cuccinelli will get 3 votes from our family. The big problem is he let macawful control the debate. I went to a townhall in Fredericksburg and Ken said he didn't want to get involved in the social issues debate with macawful. Well that is all macawful has been doing...war on birth abortions for even the life of the mother...rape...incest...closing down abortion clinics. That is what macawful has been screaming from the mountain tops for 5 months now. Commercail after commercial is about how Ken hates women, etc. seems to be working. When are conservative candidates going to get the message that you we are in a new world order. You will not win a fight against these guys by being POLITE. Will not happen. And Ken may find out the hard way on November 5th. I distinctly remember him answering a question from one of his supporters at the townhall where he said I won't engage in the social issue politics. Well he has lost the battle. I do volunteer work for his campaign at the gun shows and I hear the utter crap that macawful has been spewing. If you let the crap go unanswered or unchallenged people begin to believe it...I hear it. The libertarians are even worse...God save us if Ken looses. He worked hard to be polite...nice guys finish last! Even some of the vendors are lambasting Cuccenelli for being anti woman...some of the vendors are dopey libertarians too. They will simply vote their livelihoods into obscurity.
MSNBC has called this guy every vile name in the book. Homophobe - Xenophile - Racist - and more.
He must be a Taxed Enough Already type of guy because that is how they treat TEA party types.

I am in NY and we have our own problems but we are energized as gun owners. (I hope) The turnout tomorrow will be the "party faithful" the absentee ballots that the ACORN groups have ginned up and Gun Owners.
If the TEA party movement can get off their collective butts and vote, these elections can be won by as little as a single vote due to the turn out.

Lets shove the democracy that the Community Organizers have created right up the the left side of their arse. The only way they can win is if the majority stays home, and of course they bus the crack heads to the polls and distribute and collect the absentee ballots from nursing homes etc.)

Remember a posse voting 6 to 5 to hang the thief is a Democracy. We are Republic which means the rule of law and the pesky old Constitution override the posse. So go VOTE gun owners and then watch the long faces on NBC stations on Wednesday.
MSNBC? Isn't that some kind of alien disease?
It's up to us in Virginia to do the right thing. See y'all at the polls.
All freedom loving Virginians need to vote to protect their gun rights must vote or never ***** about gun control ever again. If we lose today wait until the next obamacare shockers come your way soon. The libs need to take your firearms in order to take everything is coming.
The problem with Virginia is most people along the border work in Washington and they will not vote against their own interest. Remember, there never was a recession or slow down in Washington the past 5 years. I hope it works out for you. My state is lost.
Looks like the single gals in NOVA voted to continue to allow the single boys to fill their vaginas with single a boys p#n*s. Ken wasn't going to prevent you girls from being filled up by the boy at the library! What is your problem?
Why is P*n*s a banned word on this forum. Are we supposed to call it a Richard? Even the name of a friend of mine...D**k is banned. Wow Wow Wow!

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