Village Inn, Anchorage


New member
I went into the Village Inn for breakfast. I saw a big bold WiFi sign on the front door so I brought in my computer. When I tried to get on this site I found it was blocked. I immediately paid my bill and left. I looked for and found a small faint lettered sign to the left of the door stating that no guns were allowed. Too bad, I always liked that restaurant, I will miss it. Oh well, there are plenty of restaurants in Anchorage I wont go hungry.

Thanks for the Intell. Im putting together a list of pro, and antil gun business's across the Usa been working on it for 9 months I will never have a complete list but I'm enjoying putting it together
@ CARIBOU Thanks for the info just got back from southeast Alaska and Anchorage is on my list for next year, Be sure to cross Village Inn off my list.. what upsets me most is their a temp to hide the sign.. especially with as many people in Alaska that carry. If they feel that way they should have to display in full sight at each door. @ TROPHYHUNTER I own & operate AJ Barile's Chicago Pizza located in southern California Yucaipa to be exact 32693 Yucaipa blvd. 92399 I do not display any signs one way or the other, But Licensed Conceal Carry Permit Holders are ALWAYS WELCOME in my establishment.. and really I don't want to know if your carrying or not. It is concealed that's good enough for me. I usually know who you are it's a small town we've got more cameras than a small casino so don't brandish just enjoy your meal and CARRY - ON
encountered the same

I have hit a number of places here in NJ with firearms message boards blocked but it seems I can always get to everyday no days off, gallery of guns, and the NRA site at these same places. As a rule I begrudgingly finish my business and don't go back. This state is going to take a collective **** if we ever get CC