video taping LEO'S in wisconson.

Some police department's have video and audio recordings of every stop. I think it should be mandatory for every squad car to have a video and audio recording and officers should be required to wear miniature cameras on their person.
This would cut down on police brutality complaints and if an officer were accused of using too much force the video tape would settle the dispute.

It often seems the most significant "smears" are being made & left by the LEO's themselves...
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Beat me to it. In America we have the rght to videotape anything that occurs in the public domain and even some that should be protected by privacy. In most states you can even videotape your neighbor across the street through his open shades. If he wants privacy he must close them.
Contrary to belief it is legal to videotape any cop in public and he can not legally take your property, damage it or tell you to stop taping or face arrest however they will try to intimidate and threaten. The ones that step over the line should be taken to civil and / or criminal court