Travel From Texas To California


New member
Next month I will be traveling to Phoenix for business. Before coming home I may be going to Riverside, California to drop off my daughter at a friends. I know my CHL is good to the California border and I am aware that I can not carry in that state. I would like to know where to reference the legality of having it in my vehicle. I can imagine that if it is permissible the firearm would have to be unloaded, in a locked container, blah, blah, blah.

Can someone direct me to updated information so I can research this question? Thanks in advance.

Thanks apvbguy. The reference links within what you sent got me to the info I needed. So, if I have not greatly erred in my interpretation of the California law, I can have my personal defense weapon in a locked container (which could be the storage box it came in) and I am good to go.
You will also need to know the Federal Firearms Interstate travel laws. I have a link here for you:

You have one tiny speed bump that I am not willing to research for you, but would suggest you do. The Federal law states you may transport a firearm FROM a state you are legal to carry in TO a state you are legal to carry in. You may (do your own research) have a snag by traveling within CA since you are not legal to carry there (I'm assuming you aren't since ... well its CA).

Hope this info helps. Let us know what you figure out.
Don't forget, if your mags capacity is over 10 rounds, take them apart. It is not legal to own and bring in regular capacity mags into California as long as they are not put together. You also must store your ammunition separately from your firearm. Put your gun in the case, lock the case or the gun up, magazines in parts, and ammunition separate from the gun case.

I live in California. Yes, it sucks. But you'd be suprised, it is possible to have a ccw here, I do, you just have to live in the right county. Luckily I do. Unfortunately, no reciprocity with any other states on our end while your here.

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