"transgender" personnel in the armed forces

Think how far we would be without conservatives and liberals...or any other political divisiveness.

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Political ideologies are not the problem. It's the shaved apes that can't have a normal conversation when someone else doesn't share their exact vision. Ideally we'd be able to share all of it and pick out the best ideas.
Political ideologies are not the problem. It's the shaved apes that can't have a normal conversation when someone else doesn't share their exact vision. Ideally we'd be able to share all of it and pick out the best ideas.
WTF , in your mind is normal?
We're almost there, it's called the New World Order.

Amen, brother, amen. I wouldn't be surprised, come the next election, that several registered republican voters end up mysteriously murdered by the New World Order to ensure Hilary's victory.
I think the Hilda-Beast and Billy Boy have already removed many of those with knowledge of their inner workings. Vince Foster comes to mind. NWO with Soros directing and minions following IS the new new. World domination will be had by "The only One" leading and his minions supporting.
Amen, brother, amen. I wouldn't be surprised, come the next election, that several registered republican voters end up mysteriously murdered by the New World Order to ensure Hilary's victory.
The anti-Constitutional secular left have finally fulfilled their secular tyrannical desire and have slain our Founding Father's vision and our Constitution in which it cannot return. The glass is broke and unrepairable, very troubling days of tyranny, lawlessness and oppression are at our very door as a nation... and the world. With lawlessness abounding in all three branches of U.S. Government, anarchy, oppression, fiscal depression and civil war is at hand and it is just a matter of time before our national implosion (fiscally and morally) finally occurs. Our U.S. government (local/national) has been occupied and saturated with those who HATE and DESPISE all that our Founding Fathers stood for. The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God (Almighty God's moral absolutes for time) have been under the "unrelenting secular jihad" of those who disdain and abhor their Creator and all that represent His moral absolutes. Our current president is the fulfillment of all these "godless secularist twisted dreams and hopes". He has been absolutely hell bent on the destruction and disintegration of our nation and its Judeo/Christian heritage and has been very successful in his war against our Constitution. The time has now finally come in our history to reap this secular socialistic harvest and Obama has been the man to "git R done". Obama's policies, euphemisms and twisted justifications of his lawless actions have cut through the rotted America social core as a hot knife through warm butter. Fifty years of lawless indoctrination, critical theory, secularism, moral relativism and socialistic kool aid has dumbed down and made this nation's citizens ripe for the pickings and dumb as a rock.

As the U.S. frog has been slowly cooked these years so have our nation's inhabitants. This day the Left rejoices in a new "lawless revolution" that has finally taken over the Founding Father's vision of America. The Left celebrates a new nation born to replace our old one which was founded on the Laws of Nature and of Natures God. Almighty God has been finally ousted from our three branches of government and a secular agenda and government is now the new god of America. We're now in a new era, a new realm, a new estate ever evolving into a fascist tyrannical state of despotism and anarchy. As I said before, "IF there's a next POTUS or even an election, all will continue as is, regardless. In today's society, anyone not pro New World Order, abortion, NAMBLA, homosexual perversion, gay marriage, open border immigration, gun control, marijuana, ObamaCare, or isn't anti-God/Christian doesn't stand a chance". Make no mistake, more is at work here then the hands of lawless man, the Master politician has now set the stage for his soon reception and 666 global state in which none shall escape. Be assured, be it Hilary or any liberal progressive running for the office of POTUS they will win, and without anyone being murdered.

I'm not sure the military has time to deal with people who haven't gotten their very sexual identity straight. If you have a *****, you're a male, will wear the male uniform, sleep in male barracks, and use the male head. If you have a vagina, you're a female, will wear the female uniform, sleep in female barracks, and use the female head.

It's just that simple.

Edit: p e n i s is not a dirty word and should not be censored.
I couldn't agree with you more. When I heard this I just cringed and thought it's gotten as low as it can. When I was on an Aircraft Carrier, we had a couple of I'll use the PC term "Gay's" in our department. They were very discreet about it and bothered nobody. They did their jobs well so nobody messed with them. These guys expected nothing different than the rest of us. Today with all this PC garbage this would be completely different and they would have to be given special treatment if they desired. The different treatment I would suggest is a "Man Overboard Drill' in their behalf. As for the Transgendered identified "things" they should never be allowed in the Military for any reason. Obama needs to shown a real front line position during a firefight and tell us he would put his life in the hands of someone that doesn't know who or what they are. Better yet. Let his Secret Service personnel be made up of these individuals.
A sickening and sad example is Bruce Jenner. He was once a national hero, winning the 1976 men's Olympic gold medal in the Decathlon at a time when the US/USSR rivalry was paramount. He wasn't just a man, he was the man. What's changed? Nothing but the times. Bruce Jenner now claims he's a woman. What's mind-boggling is how many confused people believe him and refer to him as "she." The power of demonic influence should not be underestimated or taken lightly. Bruce Jenner is a male transvestite, not transgender. "Transgender" is a politically correct manufactured term to replace the word "transvestite," which has a rightfully deserved reprobate connotation attached to it. Mr. Jenner also says he's not a homosexual, yet he's dating another male transvestite. His recent attendance at a "gay pride" event in New York is completely unrelated, no doubt.

Bruce Jenner has placed himself at the center of the public discussion, utilizing the media ad nauseam to crown him as the poster boy for transvestite acceptance. This is an "in-your-face" attack on morality, our culture and nation. The degenerates aren't finished, they're reinvigorated. Practitioners of pedophilia, bestiality, incest, and polygamy need their "rights" too. The ultimate goal is to censor any dissent of evil. No free speech, no freedom of religion. You must accept or be persecuted. It's happening to Christian business owners around the country. All Christianity is the ultimate goal.
I couldn't agree with you more. When I heard this I just cringed and thought it's gotten as low as it can. When I was on an Aircraft Carrier, we had a couple of I'll use the PC term "Gay's" in our department. They were very discreet about it and bothered nobody. They did their jobs well so nobody messed with them. These guys expected nothing different than the rest of us. Today with all this PC garbage this would be completely different and they would have to be given special treatment if they desired. The different treatment I would suggest is a "Man Overboard Drill' in their behalf. As for the Transgendered identified "things" they should never be allowed in the Military for any reason. Obama needs to shown a real front line position during a firefight and tell us he would put his life in the hands of someone that doesn't know who or what they are. Better yet. Let his Secret Service personnel be made up of these individuals.
In basic a drill sergeant put the whole issue to rest quickly saying "I don't give a f-k if you were atracted to men, women, or farm animals.....here you 'sexualy identify' as M16, because that's the only piece of ass you're gona get for the next 10 weeks!"
New slogan for "MODERN" MILITARY recruiting.
~ Roses Are Red Violets Are Blue, We Love Our Sargent And His Privates Too ~.
1. I think that anybody that wants to become a US citizen with the ability to vote or hold public office should be required to serve three years minimum in the military.
2. I really don't care what sexual orientation others have. It's none of my business. What is my business is how they perform under fire. Bravery or cowardice do not play favorites.

The Romans, world conquering fearsome war machine that they were, the model or very military is based on encouraged homosexual relationships in the belief soldiers would fight harder to protect each other.

US Navy 1976 to 2001
On staff of CNO 2001 to 2005

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