This business is pro 2A


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Here is a business that makes the lib-o-rats here in MN angry! Here is the link to the story. :dance3:

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I like that idea. When the American public sees that firearms don't kill people when they're holstered nice and purty on one's belt, then maybe some of them will start to realize that killings happen when bad people use neutral tools in bad ways.

Kudos to that business owner.
there is a picture floating around of a crowded gun show, the caption is if guns kill people how does anyone survive a gun show?
What do you wanna bet he don't get robbed!

Just imagine if every business in every high crime area did this the bad guys would be scared to leave the house.
I ran corporate restaurants all my life and wished they thought this way, but that just wasn't in the cards for the fear of liabilities involved.
Great to see another restaurant do this and wish him all the success in this economic climate, small businesses are at the greatest risk of failing.
I am REALLY surprised to see the the supporting link was NBC coverage of something positive toward citizens keeping and bearing arms. Nice to see for a change.
Bravo, we need to see more of this and it would be a fair bet robberys would decline, one point was brought up in another post about corporate restaurants not allowing guns, I know I have read post's on here concerning this, about how another cust complained or a cop seen it or whatever, but for all the people out there with CCW permits and all the restaurants that supposedly do not allow firearms, you really just don't hear much about people being run off from restaurants because of a gun, I personaly think this because most people are smart and carry there gun concealed and keep quiet about it, or we could really have a odd number of chicken ***** that would do anything a sign told them, which I doubt

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