Signs of the End of the Age & The Last Generation

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Remember what you are doing... you are Trolling!
And you keep feeding the troll with more moronic jibber jabber. Ha! BTW, name calling doesn't really work on adults.

This is REALLY exciting! You offer so much to the original post.

So now you are an athiest and you started a post about that know not believing in this post. How did that go for you and Larry? Give us the link.
It's going quite well. You've helped me become better at arguing with morons(Christians). I didn't realize it would be so easy. And the link you're looking for.... I never started a thread. I wouldn't start one in a gun forum. I'm just here to "troll" your crap that belongs somewhere else. And anyone who sets a date (1948 generation) is setting themselves up to look like a fool when it doesn't happen. Not that you don't already look like one to us.

Sorry Ringo, but this is one time I will have to disagree with you. Not all the people having an experience such as this come back to write a book and, further, not all tell of how wonderful their experience was, some experienced a visit to hell. Some of those experiencing an NDE are not Christians but are (or were) atheists. They were transformed by their visit. Also, none of the people claim to have seen the face of God, quite the opposite, they weren't allowed to see His face. There are too many people today that have had these experiences world-wide and, from the information that has been gathered, many learned people have verified what was revealed. I am not one given to fairy tales nor am I one to discount everything that doesn't agree with my particular brand of theology. I don't think any of those stories make the statement that one doesn't have to believe in Jesus to enter into Heaven, quite the opposite.

I don't fault you in your belief that the stories are wrong but I would also caution you to not dismiss them outright. After all, we can't say God doesn't allow them. I do so enjoy reading them and, if you know your Bible, some will stand out as not quite believeable while others I do not question at all.
Here's the explanation for most of them.
Yes indeed, I am terrified of the boogey man and anyone with an ounce of sense should also be terrified. I know you do not believe in God and, in your disbelief, you have been proof to the Bible's saying there will be scoffers in the end times. I have no need to worry about what others may think of me regarding the existence of God, I do believe and that is settled. There is one problem, however, in that I do care for the souls of those who do not believe. I worry about your soul because of the outright cursing you have made toward God. Words that you couldn't pay me to say. I know you think it is funny now and that you are showing you are too intelligent to fall for all the religious mumbo-jumbo. XD, I truly believe in God and that, one day, you will hear those curses come back at you and you will find that your so-called wisdom hasn't meant a thing. Old son, I can only hope that you will, one day, realize you have been wrong and will have time for repentance. Whether you believe or not, hell is real.

And, no, I haven't been caught in a lie. Ringo and I can disagree on some things but not the basics. And I am not a desperate Christian. If there is any desperation at all, it is for all of you that deny God.
Yes indeed, I am terrified of the boogey man and anyone with an ounce of sense should also be terrified.
That would be OK, if you were 5.

And, no, I haven't been caught in a lie. Ringo and I can disagree on some things but not the basics. And I am not a desperate Christian. If there is any desperation at all, it is for all of you that deny God.
Is the god you believe in perfect? This only requires a YES or NO response. No hedging, no justifications, no rationalization, no caveats, no if's and's or but's, just YES or NO.
That would be OK, if you were 5.

Is the god you believe in perfect? This only requires a YES or NO response. No hedging, no justifications, no rationalization, no caveats, no if's and's or but's, just YES or NO.

Yes. Absolutely perfect, no equivocation whatsoever.
Nobody dies twice:
Hebrews 9:27

Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,
In Context
Born Once Die Twice - Born Twice Die Once.

The second death is mentioned on multiple occasions in the book of Revelation and is synonymous with the lake of fire. It is a “death” in that it is a separation from God, the Giver of life. It is called the “second” one because it follows physical death. Revelation 21:8 explains the second death in the most detail: “The cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars – their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
That would explain why the number of people that identify with religion is dropping, and the numbers for non-believers is rising?
Thank you for bringing this to light, for one of the Major Signs pertaining to this Last Generation just prior to the return of Christ is the GREAT APOSTASY (falling away).
And anyone who sets a date (1948 generation) is setting themselves up to look like a fool when it doesn't happen. Not that you don't already look like one to us.
Again you're the perfect example of how much more difficult it is to hide ones IGNORANCE than it is to ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE.
Yes. Absolutely perfect, no equivocation whatsoever.

Then your god would never allow an untimely arrival to heaven. Only an imperfect god with poor scheduling abilities could be responsible for the near death visits to heaven that christians keep touting as proof of an afterlife.

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Another word not in God's vocabulary is "compromise". Where the Scriptures are silent all else is speculation, and, we are warned not to add or subtract from Scripture. Christians should constantly be aware that Satan is not his original name, it is Lucifer, and in the Hebrew it means “shining one”. The Apostle Paul says..“Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” I'm well aware that many people today have had these experiences world-wide and, from the information that has been gathered, many "learned people" have verified what was revealed. This only reminds me, even more so being that we are living in the Last Generation, the many times our Lord commands us.."DON'T BE DECEIVED". Therefore, I too am sorry to have to disagree OG, because where the Scriptures are silent pertaining to any particular subject matter, I would caution every believer to dismiss said subject matter outright. (2 Timothy 4:3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.…
Ringo: Here is a site that I like to read off and on. There is a lot of interesting material there and, if one is not a person who studies the Bible regularly, there is the possibility for deception. Some of the so-called atheists should read some of the articles contained therein and see what other atheists say happened to them during their NDE. If any of the references cause an atheist to stop and think that there is some truth in them, and what may possibly be awaiting them if they don't repent and turn to God, it is worth making mention of them. Of course, there will be some die-hard atheists who will not read such things through fear that they will find the truth and have to admit that they have been wrong. In any event, I will have tried to help bring some to God and, if that happens, I will be satisfied. I don't read any material to "have my ears tickled." What I do read is something I consider worth while and could be beneficial to others, like the articles you post on here.

Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife
OG:Remember the rich man in Hell that begged Abraham.."‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’ “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
XD: God knows exactly when we will die. The part you don't seem to understand is it is not God's plan for an untimely death of any of us. Untimely means something happens to upset what would have been considered a normal life span. If I am out and about and have the misfortune to be killed by an armed robber, it would not be God's fault that I died prematurely. He may have had other things in mind for me but, the BG curtailed those plans through the exercise of his free will. It wouldn't have been God's plan but He knew what would happen. To have stopped it, He would had to have denied the BG's exercise of free will, an act which He would not do. It would be unfortunate for me to have died like that but God's word will not change and the BG would not have his ability curtailed. That may be a little deep for you but, asi' es la vida.
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