NY Laws for Certain Cities..


New member
I have read that some cities like Rochester and Albany have their own carry does this effect someone who has a valid NYS permit to carry..??? Do you have to get something else from these cities, too.??


Your NYS CCW Permit is valid anywhere in the State EXCEPT New York City and most of Long Island
I'm in Rochester, and as far as I know there's nothing special regarding CCW.

Now on a side're not allowed to have any wild animal pets in Rochester...they passed a law that included extinct species (Tasmanian Devils I believe, which haven't been seen since the early 1900's). They left out T-Rex's though. I'm sure they'll fix that soon.

I have read that some cities like Rochester and Albany have their own carry does this effect someone who has a valid NYS permit to carry..??? Do you have to get something else from these cities, too.??


That is hilarious... really.

I can just see the guy down the street dressing his Great Dane up in a T-rex outfit and taking him for a nice stroll... obviously, if you HAVE one of these critters, they cannot then be extinct. Politicians would be funny if they weren't so sad. :to_pick_ones_nose:
I hear that one of Mike Bloomberg's next projects is to get the NYC city council to repeal the law of gravity. Anyone caught using gravity for any purpose will receive a $300 fine and 30 days if convicted. :hang3:
King Canute on the Seashore
This is reported in history as a true story, but this particular version has definitely been embellished.