New Ruger LCP

Call Crimson Trace. They are an excellent company and will help you out. I haven't had any problems with mine.

LCP is a great little pocket option, every one should have one in their inventory, or at least something like it.

IMO, your carry system isn't complete, if you're missing a small pocket option.
leasantry: One of these wound up in my pocket in a DeSantis holster last weekend. Not entirely sure how that happened but I don't think I'll kick it out.

Only thing I had to adjust to with it other than the fact that I have very large hands (the finger extension does help me grip it with a finger and a half) was the length of trigger pull. I guess I was so used to my Kimber I forgot sometimes you have to actually move the trigger more than | | much.

I got it basically for summer wear but it's so small and comfortable it will probably stay in my pocket year round.

I was glad I saw this post when I was considering it.
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