New Ruger LCP


New member
I picked up a new Ruger LCP with the Crimson Trace laser yesterday and took it for its first range session today. It is a "post" recall problem serial 371 model (serial 370 models only were in the recall) with the new hammer mechanism so hopefully that is all in the past.

I've had a P-3AT and when it was new the biggest problem was the break-in misfeeds. Like every third shot would jam regardless of FMJ or hollowpoint.

The LCP is virually identical to the Version 1 P-3AT as it uses the extractor with the little pin rather than the big extractor springy thing screwed to the slide body. My 3AT is a V1 and I like that layout.

Personally, I think the Ruger seems just a bit more "solid" overall than the Kel-Tec though, I've heard that Kel-Tec makes the slide and that would not surprise me at all as they seem pretty much identical.

At the range, however the LCP functioned flawlessly right out of the box. I put about 90 rounds of FMJ through it this morning without even a hiccup. Due to the fact that there is a severe ammo shortage at the moment and I only have about 20 hollowpoints on hand, I only shot a few which functioned fine. I did cycle a few mags through by hand and have had no feed problems. I will shoot more once ammo is available again just to be sure, but for now, I want them for carry rounds, at least I am sure the first one will go bang.

The laser was interesting. I had a bit of a problem with where the activation button fell on my hand, sort of right in the groove of my fingers rather than on the "pad". This required a pretty tight squeeze to turn the laser on and a really tight grip to keep it on. This created more shaking that I would have normally,not that I am a steady shot to begin with. Out of the box the laser was sited about 4-5 inches left at about 25 feet so I made a tiny little adjustment and threw it off about a foot and a half to the right. When they say a little goes a long way, they really mean it. Once I got it back to near center I was able to really, really, really carefully dial it into what I hope is near zeroed. Honesty I am not that calm a shot with this small a gun and by then I was tired anyway. I really need put it into a vice type aimer to hold it steady and get it right down the middle but I was able to get relative on target hits and will look at that again in the future. Maybe using a bore site laser and matching the CTG would be good.

By the time I was done my finger was sore where the activation button was from trying to hold it on. I was starting to thing "this ain't gonna work". I thought maybe extending the button by maybe gluing a pad on it might help. Then genius struck?

I had an old Houge Jr grip that I had never used in a box. I stretched it onto the LCP handle and out and over the laser activation button. This had three major effects. First, it makes the grip more comfortable and secure overall. Second it adds a bit of a finger groove below the activation button just above the grip bottom. Third. it spreads the required pressure to activate the laser across the button and makes it lighter so now just about any touch and poof the laser is on. It stays off when there is no pressure however, but as soon as you hold the gun in your hand the laser comes on with just a natural grip and no real squeeze, in fact you have to pull your fingers away from the grip to keep it off (sort of like keeping the trigger finger outside the guard). I find this seems like a lot better control.

I don't have the mag bottom finger extention yet (on order) but I think that I can place the Houge grip so its finger groove will be immediately below the laser button then there will be a finger wide indent followed by the mag finger exention. If that works, it will be like having a real "grooved" grip with two finger grips and instant laser activation.

That seems like a real nice combo to me.

I've ordered up a Guru convertable leather holster (I carry in the right front pocket with the wallet backer facing outward so it does not print at all) that will take the gun with the laser. I was also surprised that one of my cheapy belt slide holsters for my Kahr PM-9 holds the combo LCP with laser just fine, as does my Bianchi X-15 shoulder holster. Of course all the sort of generic "small auto" holsters such as the deSantis and Uncle Mikes also work fine with the laser in place so it is not a tough combination to holster.

As I am in shorts and shirt most of the time, pocket carry is my preferred method and I have used a Guru convertible forever and love them, so I am looking forward to the new one sized for the laser making it here.

Anyway, after five years of strong service my 3AT is off being repaired and will be delegated to a backup position upon its return due to some other wear issues (unless of course, Kel-Tec choosed to replace it with new, then that will be a different issue). So I am hoping I like the LCP in the long run as much as I like the 3AT. It is a shame they did not make the mags interchangeable as it certainly would have been simple.
I agree with you on the interchangable magazine idea - as that would be user-friendly for sure.

Thanks for sharing that review, and I hope Kel Tec takes good care of you with your P3AT too.
Great report!!! Congrats on your purchase. Mine is supposed to be here within a couple of weeks. Never thought of adding the laser. Since it will be my wifes primary carry, I'll have to see if she likes the idea.

Thanks again for the report, it brought up some interesting things to consider.
but I was able to get relative on target hits and will look at that again in the future. Maybe using a bore site laser and matching the CTG would be good.
My best luck with a laser has been to set it indoors (empty) to the sights. Just pick the distance you want shine it on a wall or door and keep adjusting until the dot sits right at the front sight when the sights are properly aligned.
I picked this little LCP up over the weekend...damn hard to get. Had to order it from Gunbroker...might as well be trying to buy a Wii at Christmas!!

Anyway, I've also bought a wallet holster, but have found that when in the back jeans pocket,and trying to draw the firearm, the wallet comes with it. You have this problem too? Maybe some simple break in time is required.

I was also thinking of getting some really thin rubber strips and attaching them to the back of the wallet to give it some friction in the pocket. Think that would work?
I picked this little LCP up over the weekend...damn hard to get. Had to order it from Gunbroker...might as well be trying to buy a Wii at Christmas!!

Anyway, I've also bought a wallet holster, but have found that when in the back jeans pocket,and trying to draw the firearm, the wallet comes with it. You have this problem too? Maybe some simple break in time is required.

I was also thinking of getting some really thin rubber strips and attaching them to the back of the wallet to give it some friction in the pocket. Think that would work?

It really depends on the kind of holster. I think with some you need to put pressure on them so the "hook" catches. There are a variety of pocket holsters, many of which are touted as being pretty "sticky". Take a look at
Link Removed . They have a number of discussions about holster for "Elsie".
Take a look at the mika pockit holsters. they work real nice more me. the holster will stay in your pockit while pulling out your weapon. I usually carry in my front pockit.
My front pocket weak side EDC.


It is ironic that GUN TESTS magazine ranks the KelTec 3AT higher than it does the Ruger LCP. It seemed as if they were saying, 'if you buy the LCP, have a file'!

BTW, hello from a 30+ yr carrying new guy!:pleasantry:
Hey, thanks. I've looked the web over and hadn't come across that website before.

Actually I learned about it from someone else on this forum (I'm thinking it was HowardCohodas but I won't swear to it) . Consistently this has been one of the best forums around for getting information including finding other forums.
Well, I own a leather one made specifically for the LCP, but its simply too tight. I've worked it over for a week now while watching TV on the couch at night and still its too tight. I'm thinking that the DeSantis will be the ticket. The only thing I don't like about that is that you very easily could get some printing. All we need is ONE manufacturer to make a pocket holster WITH some rubber grippers...and we're good.
I've never had any problem with the Guru's holster (, I actually normally carry in the front pocket with it, but have carried it rear pocket in jeans with no problem once it was broken in a bit. The trick is that once it wears just a bit, the wallet backer will sort of begin to roll at the top and that catches on the pocket edge, front or back keeping the whole holster seated while the gun is withdrawn. One must also break the holster in so the gun goes in and out smoothly, otherwise, it is wise to sort of partially withdraw it at the first sign of trouble or it will be a bit tight for a quick draw. After a few months however (my experience with two so far) they break in perfectly. I am now in the break in process for the new one for the LCP with laser.
Yeah. After a week of working it in, today it came out of the back pocket real nice. Its not contoured to the butt yet, so I can really feel its presence, but like you said, over time, it'll break in more and more.
Nice write up. I did a ton of research on lasers for my LCP and decided on the armalaser for the reason you pointed out.. Activation.. there is not much room to hold this gun in the first place and with a button in the way.. well.. not my idea of a good design. The armalaser is not as pretty as others but its rock solid and you dont even have to think about activating it.. its all touch control. Just put your finger in and it lights up. If you want to activate it without moving your finger to the trigger its easy.. and the manual explains it.. use your left thumb to do it. It has a 12 second time out and a master switch.

The upside of its thickness is twofold. 1). Twice the battery storage. 2). Its exactly the same thickness as the rear of the gun so it just does not print. I was skeptical about the thickness when I saw pics.. it alwats looked thicker than the gun.. nope.. exactly the same as the rear right to the end of the screws even.

It also comes with a nice pocket holster free.. which is a beny.. and for much less.

The pin removal is a non issue.. I thought Id be beating it out.. hell you could push it out with a toothpick.. you do have to tap the new screw guides in place.. but no big deal at all.. Its obvious why you can drop this thing 100 times and it wont budge..

Anyway.. Im pretty happy with the quality.. it seems to be on par with the LCP if you ask me. Im not affiliated.. I just went on the website and ordered.. he told me due to demand would ship in 8 days.. I had it in 7.

My 02 take it or leave it.. I tried uploading a pic but got errors.. sorry..
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Activation.. there is not much room to hold this gun in the first place and with a button in the way.. well.. not my idea of a good design

Well, to each his own but that's not a good reason as far as I can see and I have one. There is no "button" in the way of anything simply one under your fingers in a normal grip. From what I gather, you have to actually touch something not in your normal grip to turn on the Armalaser and it doesn't stay on but has to be touched again after a period of time. I find no problem either hiding the laser with my trigger finger if I don't want it to be seen or in not activating it in just holding the gun.

The Armalaser is a little cheaper though the Crimson Trace can be had for $159 from a couple of sources including the elsiepea website.

I didn't know of the Armalaser when I bought my CT but having examined the information on both and having used the CT, I am not unhappy in the slightest and would choose the CT again.
For those of you with the Crimson Trace on your LCP- Have any of you had issues with it not activating when the button it held in?

I have some problems with it and have taken the CT off the gun once or twice to see if something was binding, and no dice. It seems to work 75% of the time so I don't know if it is a bad contact in the switch or I'm just being too picky.